Friday, December 25, 2015

Bringing the Gift

Adios oh Virgen de Guadalupe
Adios oh Madre de el Salvador
desde que nino nombrarte supe
eres me vida, eres me vida, mi solo amor
Adios oh Virgen Madre querida
adios Refugio de pecador
eres mi encanto eres mi vida
dulce esperanza dulce esperanza
de mi dolor
Adios oh Virgen de Guadalupe
adios oh Madre de el redentor
ante tu trono siempre se agrupe
todo tu pueblo todo tu pueblo
lleno de amor
Adios oh Madre la mas amable
Aqui te dejo mi corazón
Adios oh Virgen incomparable
Dame Señora dame Señora tu bendición

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Ain't Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

I think everyone likes to be fearful. It occupies the time because we don't want to be happy either. There's plenty of fear going around, besides the regular phobias, loss of job, house, food, clothing, we live from day to day if a terrorist is going show up where we are, will there be a weather shut down, probably most of all will some complete idiot be elected president on either party line. The media, people in various agencies are always warning us to be fearful, the latest is the Dog Flu. They don't really say what can be done to prevent it, but a very expensive vaccine is on the way. Those interviewed give the usual, "oh yes the pet is part of the family, oh yes we'll pay whatever to save them", well we get all that. Fear will make you do anything in the name of safety. I've always heard that the best way to keep from getting sick is to always wash your hands. Well you can bet that Boodini has the cleanest paws in the hood!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It Just Is

I've done some foolish things, I've been downright stupid. I've been a sucker for a pretty face, Lord I've been polluted. When people say, " would you go back?" that's a no way no how. There is no limit to the havoc he can wreak, when a young man slips into his self destructive streak. But I've been east, west, north and south but I made it through somehow. I took it hard when I found out that life wasn't fair. I used to bellyache and moan, but now I just don't care. I'm making one last victory lap and then I'll take a bow. I like where I am now, father time is my friend. I feel at home in my own skin.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Did You Say What

These are hard times we're living in, nobody cuts you any slack. We've got space age components, stone age emotions, and today a man had better watch his back. Everybody's selling something, the baron and the bumpkin, so a man's got to fight for what he's got. If what they're offering you looks too good to be true, bet your bottom dollar that it is. I think I'm smelling a rat! Lady luck's been good to me, and I'm grateful as can be. Never thought this crazy ride would ever last, and though nostalgia is fine, I respectfully decline to spend my future living in the past. I've been carrying my load down this same old rocky trail, everyday getting deeper in a rut, working too much, and a dollar's worth a dime, and everybody wants a bigger cut. You must think I'm blind as a bat, I sure appreciate what you're trying to do for me, but I've been there, done that. B.S. blaring from the radio, the TV, hot wind blowing off The Hill, it's a mystery to me we can't agree to disagree, it's looking like we never ever will. Like a drunkard in the night, swinging left and right, Republican or Democrat, well I ain't got no love for none of the above. I don't think so it's a little too pat, don't tell me to take it easy, what's under your hat, no thank you!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Digging Deep

He was two years old when he took the gig. He was already a champion in his world. His dad had been killed by lightening. He was at the presidential inauguration, has won back to back Rose Bowl championships, including the 2006 BCS National Championship. He weighed 2000 lbs., his horn span was 6ft., and ate 60 lbs. of food a day. Only last week he spirited his team to look within and realize that they were worthy, good, and talented. The team learned that validation, took it to the field and will on fields to come, and do what it takes to be the best they can be, champions. That's what he inspired, that is his legacy, and now he passed in his sleep a few days ago, his mission complete. Rest in peace, see you on the other side of Rainbow Bridge.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Yes when all else fails you have to believe when Bevo told the team if they didn't play ball he wasn't going with them, that would get their attention. So he stayed home. If they played like a team he'd join them again. Well they won BIG! He's Back!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Not Who You Be

As we sat eating lunch after finishing another 100M, Bill told me that he really didn't care what he ran, DNFed, or what, cause he didn't have anything to prove. At the time I thought it strange, maybe, how could you not care, the identity, the ego, the relation it meant in one's life. Now not so much. Seems like we tell ourselves our  job, our hobbies, our running all make up who we are, and how we relate to everything in our world.We're not that at all, and when any one thing is pulled out from under us we panic, feel like crap, question our reality. Maybe that's a good thing. Banking on these tickets we are definitely set up for failure. I don't know what the answer is, but having Bill's attitude seems a lot less harrowing. Go with the flow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Guerilla Attacks

So as we move from one end of the house to the other on leash we fail to see Lilly the cat, arch enemy of Boodini, hidden from sight in a box. Typically this is a very sneaky tactic. The screeching and bellowing exit Lilly's mouth, and Boodini goes into the attack mode. But I control the confrontation and move towards the back door. At this point the two boy cats set the stage for an attack siege on Boodini. Claws drawn they push closely to pounce on Boodini from different sides. Finally I push Boodini out the back door to the yard. We have an insurrection brewing with the tyranny of a dog's world versus the law abiding cat world. But now the cats are uniting and it is only a matter of time, when I am not around to weigh the odds, that Boodini, will be defeated and torn mercilessly.

Friday, September 18, 2015


Everyday I am wondering what is my problem. I  must just be a lukewarm mess. Driving in to work I see people flying down the road, excessive speeds. They weave in and out of tight spots barely not clipping another driver as they jockey for a better position. They get up behind you as close as they can get in the hopes you go faster so they in turn can get to work faster. I wish I loved my job like them. They must not be able to wait to get to work, that's what I would call passion for the job they must certainly love. It's hard to imagine that they will risk everything so they can get to their labor of love. I bet if I lived in Washington D.C. I would see all types of congressman and government employees cruising in to work so they can take care of us taxpayers. I know I would most definetly see Ted Cruz  blazing a trail, maybe even with a police escort, just so he could get as fast as possible to the senate floor. He would be doing what he so passionately feels, to shut down the government.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

What Crisis

Being ten years old in Port Isabel, was fun and at that age what wouldn't be. Going to South Padre everyday, running around that tiny town, puppet shows. So when the folks were sitting around watching the little RCA Victor TV with President Kennedy telling the nation we could be heading for nuclear war with the Soviets, all cause of the tiny 777mile long island of Cuba, it just went over the top of my head. I didn't really get the anxiousness of being disintegrated. I don't think I was really effected. Now as an old person, everything seems to get my feathers ruffled. No water rolling off this duck's back. Even years ago things seemed a lot easier, more nonchalant. Why the hell do I have to suddenly flip the switch to freak out mode? Well it's just not fitting, treating old fart's like this.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Rose

Its going to be long week, especially yesterday when your asking if it's Friday yet?, at least that's what I'm being told. The weather if you talk about that is another big disappointment, after a low humid weekend, and now temperatures are going to spike again on the high side. The world is crumbling with global warning, and the monarch butterfly is going instinct. Give me a break. But it will not to be given, the revolution will not be televised. So I guess it comes down to, you could be in an ISIS prison, but, today you are free to go and do as you please. Breathe the air, enjoy the heat, bury a butterfly, whatever you want. Your free today, at least for the next few hours, so enjoy. You were planning to do that anyway, because your not playing the fool or being a chump. Don't forget to smell the funk, it's a splendid aroma. It's what for dinner. Have you ate yet?

Friday, September 11, 2015


The good news is after ultrasound and x-rays, Boodini doesn't have to go under the knife for tumors of spleen, liver, etc. In fact she is a healthy canine. Well not exactly. Boodini does have a problem with her lower spine, with scar tissue, it's degenerative, and that is why she has a problem with her back end. But then she goes in now for chiropractic adjustments. That will help for now. As of last evening she decided she wanted to go back to her two a day walks, and the temp really hasn't dropped to her comfort zone just yet. But it will, like maybe somewhat this weekend. So we have made it through another hot summer, and maybe the cooler weather will sharpen our strides from a shuffle to a jog. Let's not get carried away though.

Friday, September 4, 2015

On a Prayer

Surely one can turn the tide in one's favor if one says a prayer, no matter how small. Yes it is a large college with lot's of students. But the world is a different place than when things were, how shall we say, respectable. I'll say a Hail Mary, I might even throw in a rosary for Texas when and if they defeat Notre Dame. Not really a sports dog but hey what  a confidence builder to the season that would be. We'll see, so you might say we're living on a prayer.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

On the Run

Today wasn't a 100 degrees, and it was like 77. So running the hood wasn't the usual melt down. This weekend is the Leadville 100M, a friend of a friend of a friend is running it. It will be their first 100M. That is always a jolt when you hear someone jumping on out there with the LT100 as a first. Well, they live in Colorado so maybe that takes off some of the mystique. Three of my four attempts turned into 50M's, my first was stopped but it was tough cause I broke my ribs 10 days before the race. Then of course the second try out of the shoot I made it in. It always made me wonder that it wasn't so tough, but you chase cut-offs, and of course going no lower than 9300 ft. up to 13,200 does create a bit of a strain on the lungs, at least for a flatlander. But anyway it's this weekend, and I will be hoping my friend of a friend of a friend "makes it in" as we old ultra runners always say! Leadville! Yes indeed.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Have a Party

Its been maybe twenty years since Tony checked out. I'd have to check ancestry for Marie's exit. But they're gone. Recently they both would have had birthdays. Maybe where they are they wake to a bunch of singing the Birthday anthem, then there is the parade of spirits, much like them, prancing about with fanfare and a Big Cake. Sounds really far fetched at best. So why is it that here on planet earth, we seem to retain dates and memories of folks that at one time painted events in our lives. We can most certainly remember and at times almost feel emotion and visualize what the hell took place way back when they were around. If you believe in an afterlife and accordingly your good enough, everyone is in one big happy family again. If not well then it's just done at that. Which ever "go with the flow" you pursue, there will always be that thought that lingers this time of the year for those two characters that had an effect in our lives. For us we were damn lucky, cause others didn't have it all that good. Happy Birthday from us here!

Monday, August 10, 2015

No pain

Months ago,  February 22nd to be spot on, Boodini and I hit the usual quick paced 5K route, but mid-way things got loose. For about a half mile I carried my partner. It is a loss of routine weekly speed work without. Looks like arthritis has begun to sink the teeth into Boodini's backside. I decided to see what another vet would do, knowing that up the street the only thing they would prescribe is meds. Well the doc was proud of herself when she got in a bit of chiropractic alignment on Boodini, she looked like she just buckled in a 100M, even when meeting the lil demon she wanted to make a go of care. So we will see, after a while though the shit will take over. Noone is having any short races right now it's just too hot, and the dog days of august will be over soon. I run after work, and it's always 100. Not much different that the last two summers, its just without the Capt. Karl's 60K's. Next race who knows, but running the long loop at bull creek didn't turn up any friggin snakes. Trail vs Road are two different beasts with balance.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Old Dog Wishes

Don't feed the beast! Wasting too much time comparing, losing yourself despairing, you hear it, don't you, are you hungry for your fight. So why do you care if life is unfair, just because they've got everything you wanted. That's right your not even close, to getting where you wish you could be. You wanted to be farther along than you are, but here you are on your knees. Are you happy, well be happy with your place! What's the use in being haunted, your story for glory, it's right there in your face. So be glad, you're an architect creation, your one of kind. Just stay on track, because every cross can be a blessing. All the gifts that you've been given, close your eyes and listen to what your meant to be.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Your 64 Today

What's wrong? What's getting you down? Is it something I might have said, your walking around with your head to the ground, and your eyes are all watery red. I know you've been through some rough times, kicked down, thrown to the ground. But you've always been the strong one, so don't tell me that nobody gets you, cause I'm standing in your corner, knocking at your door, you don't have to be alone! We share a bond, You and I we belong, we're like coffee and morning runs, you strip my defenses, I catch your pretenses. The same blood runs through our veins. I swore I'd be your life line, made a vow that I'd surround you with support at every milestone. I'll listen when no one gets you. So just call my name, let me be an answer, cause it hurts me to see you this way. I want to ease your pain, help me understand, let me be your shelter my friend. It was not to long ago, you sought to understand, you helped me mend, remember when? So promise me....

Monday, July 20, 2015


I don't want to get out of bed today, the sun is too bright and the world is too grey. I've given it all I can give and all I know is this pain. Where were you when I needed you most, I was thrown to the wolves. Yet here you are, knocking at the door of my heart, calling me to love you, and you say Boodini come out of your cave. Boodini, I don't care if everyone thinks your dead or that you've lost your edge. I know that your still alive. So let's put on your leash and fight for the truth.
There's so much in life I don't understand. Your ways are not our ways, so hard to trust when we don't see, forgive the little faith. Left with a ghost, yet here you are, healing through your wounds and scars, calling me to suffer for you. Grant me wisdom, give me peace, untie my hands, unbind my feet, what was dead shall live again. so let's put on your leash.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

No More Whiskey We Go Home

Considerations are being tossed about to dump this blog, not that it is any big deal, but let's face it, and even though it's always another day, this thing has run its course. So for now here we are, well until we go looking for the delete button. So if you look for Boodini, it will probably be going, going, so gone. January in just a couple of days has basically played out, and although some things have taken a down turn, Boodini is pleased with a few of the changes in other areas of living. There was no intention to do the longer races that usually take place this time of year, right now, there is no time off from work available to travel. So mentally we'd call it retiring from the running community. There indeed is no mess with getting runs done or not because there is absolutely no goal hanging to trip over. But the new changeover at work is going just fine. Even if it wasn't, we would find a way just to grin and bear it, but really how long would that last. It's great to at least enjoy the challenges that present themselves, after all that's why they call it work anyway. Right now it's time to trim the extras, use the loose energy on other avenues. This chapter is about to close.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Complete Boodini

Standing on the porch at 5am, looking out at the yard and street it's a solid shower of good ole rain, and no sign of letting up. 45 degrees with a bit of wind and off we go for the morning walk of the hood. We've never missed a day in ten years no matter the weather, it's what we do, you can bet that anywhere. When the signs of things going south physically show it's ugly mug it will show with this ritual. Once out in the rain it's all about covering some ground, a good forty five to an hour is a given. This let's us know what kind of day will pass, we do want to do this. We're looking at another wet morning when it comes around, maybe we'll run through it, maybe we won't. But it will happen, if we're breathing and above the ground.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Here Comes The Rooster

Howdy Doody boys and girls, yes it is a song by one of my favs bands Alice and Chains. As I listened after all these years I had to know what it was all about. "Rooster" was Cantrell's dad's nickname cause his hair stuck up in the back. He served in Vietnam, part of the 101 airborne, and their sleeve patch was a bald eagle. Their wasn't any bald eagles in Vietnam, and the closest the folks there could compare it to was a chicken, hence the VC called the American Warriors "Chicken Men". They would walk tall machine gun men, with their M60, and the muzzle flash was compared to the tail feathers of a rooster. Hence the words they come to snuff out the rooster, but they ain't killed him yet, cause he ain't going die. Now I know.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Window is Open

If there is an important decision to be made, what is your plan of attack? Are you going to make a two sided list, pro and con. Are you going to try to ponder as realistically as you can what the best move might be? Maybe, you'll consult the opinion of someone you feel would really aid in making that wise choice. Maybe you'll pray on it, and you ask what good will that do? Maybe you will just follow your hunch and you will just feel good about that particular direction. At the end of the day, the decision will require a change, a commitment that will demand effort and possibly sacrifice. But you know it will be good for you when it is all said and done. You can ponder as long as you like and yet, you will never get started in either direction. Unless.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Charge or Retreat

The rest of the year is now all part of the same dose of the whole. This is no longer a New Year, and what lies ahead will be the joy and sorrow of living day to day. If you are all happy and the sunshine of your life is blooming there is little attention to much else but to feel the love. But when you find yourself in times of trouble, you can call Jude or Mary and let it be, but more importantly, tidy up your trench so your not fighting the demons in your slop. The stuff is going to come up, and you might as well make the best of it. It will be a little tough to take that deep breath and then get fighting  if you can't find you weapons of mass destruction cause they're laying all about. Sometimes when you get knocked out of your plan you might realize you don't control really anything. A good dose of humility will get the juices moving and you can make big changes that probably needed to happen anyway.You can go with the flow so long, and when the current stops you need to get up and crawl. Well, that's the worst case scenario, but if you have too you can rely on doing that. The important thing is you are on the move forward, and even if it isn't leaps and bounds progress is happening. That is a good thing. Now although it is a great day to be alive, it would be nice to see the sun still shining when I open my eyes.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fifty One To Go

Alright so we have calmly gone through the first week of 2015! So we are down to only 51 weeks to finish out this year, and did I say we have plenty of time. I am amazed at how much good has been possible so far to get accomplished. Without any resolutions to snag and gripe at our ankles we are able to walk freely about without the sighs of guilt or lack of confidence in getting just the normal daily tasks accomplished. Are their any areas we would like to improve upon? Absolutely! But look at it this way, we  have no particular goals hanging over our head, or the lack of not getting them to succeed, we are free to move forward, slowly if we care to, or speed them up, and still say, " Damn it was a good day"! Be it as it may, it is what it will be.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Plenty Of Time

The general technique to truly get your wag on with procrastination is to just realize your going get to whatever you want to do just as soon as you finish what your doing. I am going to organize, I'm going to exercise, I'm going to finish that book, yes sir, I'm going.... When exactly, oh for sure in just a bit. But who really cares, well, maybe you do. I would too but I'm going start caring just as soon as I stop thinking about it. Round and round we go, where we begin nobody knows, and remember who's got the time to worry with my stuff, everyone has their own challenges. Lot's of folks are predicting what is going to happen in 2015, all is based on what was happening in 2014, and this is really important to know. Let's face it with those predictions you might get going in the right direction. Because if you don't have the right GPS setting on your world view, how are you going to go at all. Circumlocution is another prime suspect to procrastinate, so what are you waiting for? More words you can come up with to get to the point, come on now take your time, after all, what's the rush. You'll get to it!