Sunday, December 30, 2012

The End of What we Knew

Just a few days left of 2012 to get all those resolutions into the bucket list. Well if I could just find that list.Now with 2013 approaching it seems Boodini is sandwiched between a real fine raspberry, that should be chafing away.But outside of working,I do not have to be overwhelmed with this or that, and fret about it not happening.I am the master of wait and see. As I wait I see a garage littered with years of this experience, a door falling off it's hinges, disarray here and there. Yes,a master of the throne looking over one's domain completely out of control. No worries! Day's gone by with unanswered hopes and dreams, goals unfulfilled. Most die of a broken heart from shattered dreams, no not this pesky critter. If it was really important it would have become a reality, forces from the Incas or some such could have a hand in it? Humbug, probally the only word worth repeating over and over. Research into goals is relatively easy. We have the technology. With this apparatus we can forge ahead now and even though we have not arrived, I am positive from our chair of iniquity we can find direction into this new year approaching.Out of the way,don't try to stop me now...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Xmas Nightmare

Silence prevailed, no call to mobilize assistance, free to leave. Away Boodini sped on the Xmas adventure. In the small town, I lay waiting in my truck as I always do, he always says"Wait!", what? As if I'm going to start the truck and take off? He does his little sanctimonious ritual at that tiny church, I sure do like the singing, Bah Humbug. Been here before and didn't much like it, it is very intimidating, you know, with the COWS!. This time when I spotted them, of course being a scenting champ, I knew they were there, but this time,oh yes, they trot away. Feeling so full of my power I pursue, but with reserve mind you. Now the tough part is the sentries at the front and back doors. There are these really mean country cats, and they live out, so they battle coons and hunt and kill things like birds and mice at will. They will chase you down. I was just going outback to get some fresh air, and zing out of some hidden box...Yikes! I scream and howl like I've been maimed, and badly clawed, although I was never touched except my pride. After all I have a mystique to uphold of being a bad ass, not out here. Good riddance to that place, that's a fine Holiday to spend time at...What was he thinking? I guess his hands were tied.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Night Before Christmas

At this time all the elves and reindeer seem to be just where they are supposed to be, or so it would seem. There are no hidden meanings or agendas pending, most things seem to be  on an even keel. Somewhere, somehow though the scale tips downward.Children are killed, or die from some incurable illness, the faces of want and ignorance remain, beware of them both for with them is no refuge or resource. Loved ones do pass away, or have gone on..somewhere. But leaves outside show brilliant colors of the season change, and walking about the world presents a kaleidoscope of interest. When Jesus came he changed lot's. Christmas was created and is celebrated throughout. Economics and the human race was never the same. It is a time of Hope. Maybe for reclamation, or hope for things to just be the same, free of worry, free of stuff. But the world revolves. Bad things happen to good people, and all the bible verses, or Dr.Phil's cannot right the wrong, or wrong the right. There really is no need to explain, it is what it is. Courage, Patience, and strength could be what one may need to get through an impossible situation. But if history has shown us anything, it appears that the insulation of friends, family and the guy next door can uplift everyone beyond the steepest mountain, and most cases move it out of the way completely. So as I lift that glass in toast, and savor food, even though there are still workhouses and prisons, and infinite humbugs uncounted, at least at the moment, this one in particular,  everything is evenly placed for balance.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

They Ran Like the Wind

  Five times, probally should get something for lasting this long. Some hairbrain idea that always pops up with the least thought of what might happen. Well the last effort down at Inks never turned the curve because we killed it right when,..right there is that blight once again, ..right when. Lot's of people and especially canines now have their world's turned upside down. There is no telling where this whole thing might go, and right now soooo glad it's done, for this year. Will there be a next year? Will there be a 48 hr. addition? Can we get additonal sponsors? Will the runners return? Yes walking the trail dreaming of fun things five years ago might have been wonderful, now what the hell has happened? Well if anything, it must be relative, cause they came and they went, and the new now show. Yes Run Like the Wind and the dog next door, race directors just sit around drinking coffee, who would have thought. Stop thinking...Now!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

There You Are

Try being the birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is where I've come from
Not being anything other than what I've been lately
All I have to do is think of me
And I have peace of mind
Tired of looking around wondering what I have to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
Why be anything other than me

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lounge Lizard

A flashlight isn't quite sunlight
But any light at all seems bright
When your looking in the dark
A wet dream isn't the real thing
It isn't really anything
But at least it makes a spark
And if you took the threads in your closet
The cash in your wallet
The color of the skin in your blood
And how you got it compare it to yourself
Compared to someone else
You care
Pre made isn't quite homemade
But premade with a home name
Is almost just the same
Your girlfriend isn't your best friend
But any friend is best when you freezing in the rain
Your either underweight or your unfit
Overdressed or underzipped
Too depressed or you're too high
Rich and poor and black and white
Too social or just to shy as night to day
And day to night
All is relative, hell everything is relative
It's all about the way we receive it
How much we believe it
Depending on the life you lead if you lead it
Compare it to yourself
Compared to someone else You care
Everything is relative
Yes it is

Friday, November 23, 2012

Got a Minute?

Take a moment to be thankful
For every accident that never happened
For every grave illness that wasn't caught
For every tornado, dust bowl,war that never formed
For every mean word withheld when we fought
We can only see what's right in front of us
And can be thankful for all we've got
But to really, truly embrace gratitude
We have also to remember to be thankful
For every"never"."didn't". and "not".

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Training Is Over Rated

 That's  him crossing the finish line in 11hrs and change( that sounds better to us Mamas) and I know he was wishing he had trained harder, better, with more discipline and persistence. But does it matter? Maybe it does, but a birdie said he could have ended the race early with a foot problem, but there's always a reason I have no trouble finding in a big fat DNF. Not yesterday, we both crossed the line, and were brave enough to start. So goes the cliches! Things were nice when our separate runs crossed trail, if for no other reason to feel the pain of running an ultra. You know how sharing carries the load easier? That's where training could help, yet as Riggs would say"If it didn't kill you, you'd be stronger for it". Rick ran back to back ultras, never really had to train,well maybe he did, but he sure ran a lot of races. I don't know if it's a good idea to wear his socks though, they might also be overrated.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Run for the Rovers!

Once again Boodini moves into the winner's circle and scores the bling, placing third in  7:44 min pace,
which proved at least good enough for the place ahead of many rovers. Boodini never usually competes in "Run Like the Wind" but that might just change this year, after all that would give her the trifecta, the
future "Doggie Slam", having run the first two. Certainly not getting much younger!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

All Fired Up

Never knew the difference, never cared either way, didn't leave my eyes closed living day to day. Got a new fire burning in my eyes, lighting up the way. Believe there comes a time when everything just falls in line. On Boodini ran, past the distracting Mr. Donkey until at last into the finish circle of place and time. Into the world of bling and award, at last a Lil Champ among peers. That was a 3rd in Donkey Dash Land 5K. Lucky 7.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Further Down the Road

Just a young dog
By an old road
By the route she choose
An ancient song
In an old tongue
For this dog was sung
"Oh I'm carrying a heavy load, can't go no further down this long road. it's a heavy load!
By a bright stream
Came an old dream
Things are never what they always seem
And so she went on
Travelling on
Carrying a heavy load
Now she's a long way from home.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Asleep at the Wheel

What do you know, it's only been two weeks since the last edit so guess we can all wake from our slumber and get down to it. Hell with the wrist this seems like it will go on til I die, in which case it won't matter much at all. But the good news is the afternoons are cooler and that means soon the evenings will too. But then it will be dark because of the time change. So if your looking for an answer we don't have one. Because it will be what it will be. That has always been good enough. On the even brighter side, well will you settle for a slightly less bright side.... lot's of races for running are coming our way. I don't think it necessary to train for them, after all, we never did before, so there you have it. Did you ever wonder what happened after we went to N.O. after Hurricane Issac and found Boodini's brother, you didn't?? Oh. Suits me fine, we have no idea what happened either, what do you think we are a fiction writer...hell that's my sis...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baby Luck and Love

Down the road, up a piece, sliding down maybe we'll get there. Nothing really to look back on, and all there is just what's up ahead, if you see that. Seems like even though your close to the dream, just on the edge there you just might find it. No if's, ands, buts about it. Could be an appalachia waltz, at least if it were you would have a lil skip to your step. Well, we'll be pokin on just a bit more, not much tellin what we might find, because it's always an adventure. Boo sure does like the singing sometimes...

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Final Dance

About an hour ago the Wasatch 100 started carrying with it the end of the summer, the end of the Slam for Ironhorse Terranova and the completion of that dream. What a bountiful beauty of a place those trails in the Wasatch are! It also could be the last days of the fierce heat that has cabin fevered the Boo. But that is over after today. By tuesday next week maybe the Doc will say I am far enough along to start using the arm brace less and get on with a more versatile life, although I tend to feel that isn't likely. Running a trail again would be a novelty, but I don't mind the few outings on the roads. It is now September!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Seven Years Later

Streams of the new day broke through the gray storm clouds as we zigsawed our path where we could up Claibourne ave. into the ninth ward. Boodini had let me know that we needed to make a go towards the crescent city once again because she knew he would be waiting. For hours out of Texas the windshield wipers gave beat to the cadence of the clicking road beneath our wheels on that Louisiana highway from Lafayette to Morgan City, and then north to New Orleans.We had arrived, and as we pulled up in front of the battered small church house roof from the boat's bow was Boo's tattered, wet, hurricane Issac beat brother. Almost a splitting imagine of herself. Like old home week.........

Friday, August 17, 2012

Nothing Doing

Most of the time we're doing stuff. Then stuff happens and the stuff we were doing turns out to be the last thing we remember.Like heading down a road and you lose track, get lost, have a senior moment, then bamm...what? It may not be what was on the schedule, or plan, or goal, but it sure feels like living.You could say clouds got in the way? Take a look down that different, winding ,deserted path your headed,open up to it and make sure to tell yourself that it's OK to do nothing, especially if your with a bud.....

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Open Highway

It's now or never. Obviously noone is living forever and this running is living while I'm alive. Today after six weeks and with this state of the art brace I headed out in the hood and knocked off a 5K in 28 mins. Nothing really special to that, but it felt so right, that just the art of running was living the dream. Boodini has two races coming up but is being a very lazy girl about her training. That will not fly, there will be no more tolerating her digging in with all fours, biting her leash in rebellion against running her course, and that should be that. She won 50lbs. Of food last year at the Blue Dog Race and has eaten all of that, must defend her title. No work No Food! We' ll see what time it is tomorrow.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Just Ten Days

Besides raining in the front and back, there's the just ten day theory. It's kinda a grand ole thing. But it's been a haul that seems to be ending at least in part Tuesday, only to be followed by another, yes you guessed it , Another Ten Days. Boodini has tried her best to take over, she bit grandma again, but now she has been shut down. No more swirling and herding around now for Boo. If the cast was bitable it would have been bit. Don't know what possesses the moment but it's evil, Boodini left to her own devices contemplates nothing less than pure evil. Ten days.....

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The New Normal...The Tiger Runs

Angela Ivory died at 44, I remember checking her car at 3am at Run Like the Wind, and she told me ...just taking a break on her 24 hour event. I will miss her, she was fine and humble and a woman.
This is something she wrote before her death to cancer...

She never asked"why me?"
The answer would have been"why not me?
But she's hurting, she's sick, and she's tired
Your strong, they tell her
She feels like a fraud
She feels weak, sad and mad
You look good, they tell her
But her eyes are yellow
She's lost 25 pounds
She's losing her hair again
Neuropathy has taken over her left foot, and both hands
What has happened to her body, mind, and spirit?
A force stonger than her has taken over
She wonders how she will make it through another day
Too much chemotherapy, radiation,injections, pills, blood tranfusions,
and hospital stays
It's enough to drive a sane woman crazy
But she keeps going
Not knowing how to give up or give in
It could be worse she tells herself
But it's no comfort
She misses being herself
She misses feeling good, full of energy,and being happy
She wants her life back
She can't adjust to the new normal
It sucks big time
She watches another beautiful day from her window
I want to run again, she says
Instead she shuffles back to her couch, in front of the television
Sitting, tears in her eyes, and gasping for air, she knows she can't even walk before feeling faint
One day, she'll run again
She knows in her heart that the new normal has to be temporary
She will be well again
Patience shes never had would come in handy now
Hope is all that remains
She has to believe....

Goodbye Angela.....your running again in my mountains, clouds and sky!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Surge

End of Feb. I plodded along enjoying running the marathon with thousands of others, I carried a water bottle, filled it when it needed filling and could go on past the crowds of the 26 aid stations. I have always preferred a water bottle until the Nathan came along, which I got to avoid any more strain from carrying the water bottles. That night as I was cooking my line partner looked frightened pointing to my hand, which sported a welt. It was decided to be just a ganglion cyst, no big, and no pain( this was before my DNS at Mass). The hand doc wasn't buying that, the X-rays didn't show that, and we went to the knife last Friday. So it's been a week and all is well or so it seems. I am looking to Tuesday for my four week cast, wanting to run though would be ok if it wasn't for this towel wrap of a bandage which I figure will just sponge all my sweat into a nice stinking mess. Maybe I'll wait to run right before I go in for the cast and then we take it off, clean up the wound,pull stitches,and who's to care? Boodini looks at the wrap, sniffs, lucky for me she isn't disapproving of the get up.She doesn't like things sometimes.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Pontchatrain Flipper

Yes again Katrina shows her Ugly hand. In Lake Pontchatrain there is a lone dolphin who made his way into the huge lake with it's 26mile bridge when Katrina connected it with the gulf.He was left behind and has made his life there. But he has gotten pissed somewhat and bitten people, and they don't want to stand for that. They could move him back to the sea where he could die or swim back, and Fish and Wildlife now have to make a decision. Guess we might be edgy too if we went through Katrina, stuck out by oneself, maybe he needs a girlfriend, maybe it isn't Disney World, and he is wild. Nevertheless there are many bad effects on animals still to this day going on, and are they even getting better? The answer is behind those eyes of Boodini...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So at Western States 100M with the final minutes ticking down into the stadium for the final 330yds comes Randy Van Dusen, along side on his final victory lap, is his partner K9 Bodie! Bodie limped along sometimes just on his three good legs and crossed the finish line, they were together side by side. Bodie had to be with his partner when Van Dusen emerged on the track,and the crowds were on their feet and roared in cheer!
 The week before Bodie had run down a car thief in Sacramento, and the perp shot Bodie in the right leg and mouth. Van Dusen then finished off the thief. Bodie almost didn't make it from the massive blood loss and complications, but pulled thru. Bodie had been in the line of duty for a couple of years and caught a Xmas burglar and searched for victims. The Two Policeman are Sacramento's Finest and they are still together because what they say is their persistence.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Reading seems to be taking hold. Since the debackle in Virginia where I sponged up two novels in three days, now I am relentlessly killing one after another. Everything was good until this collection of fictional short stories. For once I can read and not fully comprehend what the author is saying, and I have always been told " you know, I have no idea what the hell your writing about". But I decided that as a discipline I will read on and finish, even though.....

Friday, June 22, 2012

Squaw Valley

In a few hours 386 ultra runners will run thru the Sierras in the great Western States 100. Having received 3 buckles there it reminded me of my stay before and after in Tahoe City, the year Rick and I shared a cabin. It was his first leg of the Grand Slam that I had managed to accomplish two years prior. Two years in a row at 4am I would drive in to the start and both times I would sight a large timber wolf running by my vehicle. So needless to say, as I followed Rick in his car toward the start at the Mtn. edge that year I was wondering where was my Wolf? Just as I thought it, out some thirty yards appears a large brown bear. When we pull up to park I ask Rick if he saw the bear, he said" Oh yes sir, it was standing waving at me as I went by". I thought to myself, what omen was this? It would be a Bear of a day!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thru an Open Window

Once all the doors are locked and all the doors are closed behind you, it's best to look for an escape thru an open window. How did one ever get in this predicament. Who would have guessed. But there is a window and now biding time and then we will spring free. Really you have to wait and wait till things gel for awhile. But I dare say there is a possibility that doing the AT or the PCT over 4200 miles of trail is definitely on Boodini's bucket list, but at our age there is only that damn window!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Every day is an Ultra

You awaken to a new day, not much different than a starting line. After your moving you may be standing atop Chinscraper at Wasatch looking down on all Salt Lake City, or maybe it's gasping with every sixth step up Hopeless Pass, and just maybe, it's one of those going round and round like the same ole same ole, at Run Like the Wind. You gather your patience as the wheels come undone and try to get a grip as the day moves on. You refuel with persistence and determination and hang in there. At the end of the day you face the decision to go on or drop. You hit the nite lights and keep on moving ahead, cause you just don't know what else you can do.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Celebration Summer

It's hot again, and now is the time to make believe that your on vacation. Just like someone let out of school for the summer. Not a care in the world, just go and have a little fun. What would it be like to take the time to hike the whole PCT or even the AT. Think of the planning, buying a bunch of cool gear, planning mail drops to support yourself along the way. After all it is the season of fun now.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Three Sunday's

Like a club run every Sunday Boodini tries not to get beaten, she must run ahead. If by glance the wheels roll closer into a faster gait we go. By the end of the 3.5 mile trek tongues are elongated and the heat take their toll. But what a time to rethink outside the box, because how much time is spent waiting for the next outing and surprise jaunt to come around, hopefully before next Sunday!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Seven Years Ago

I am not a smart man, particularly, but one day, at long last, I stumbled from the woods of my own, and my family's, and my country's past, holding in my hands these truths: that love grows from the rich loam of forgiveness; that mongrels make good dogs; that the evidence of God exists in the roundness of things. This much at least I've figured out. I know this much is true.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Go Find

So when I send Boodini into the woods to find "lost victims" in our search and rescue training the command is "Go Find!" Looking out to the motel next to where I'm standing I realize it is the Start and Finish of the Old Dominion memorial 100M, it would be the first 100 of the Slam and I could bag the either Dominion or Vermont requirement by finishing it that Memorial Day weekend before going on to Western States a few weeks later.Years Ago, but did I still reminder the course, so I set out to try. Running down the road through the historical district of Woodstock established in 1752, I know to take a right and within a few miles I'm in the rural country, a Jersey farm, a few ponds with ducks following Mom, and yes this is it! After another winding farm road and a few more miles I hit the crossing of the Shenandoah river, and there is Woodstock Mtn. Up I go remembering the three passes we made over that 25hours it took me to finish the race. Near the top a off road jeep stops and three folks ask if I' ve seen their dog who ran off, no I remark but I will look for it, and finally after a few more switchbacks I crest and soak up the view. I retrace my trail back and down a while I run into Heavy, yes the missing pit/boxer mix, as I call he runs then off into the forest, as I turn down a bit the jeep returns, we set up points high and low to corral him. I head two mile in to no avail, and head down, before the bottom they stop and say Heavy has been found.Now knowing that their dog was found with a lighter feel I wind back by the river off thru the town for a 20miler...Go Find!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Caroline Furnace

Sipping a latte, eating a breakfast croissant, reading "The Art of Running in the Rain", I occupy an hour or so all the while thinking. Lifting the napkin on the table is a good break, cause now things show hope.
Heck with this,  I head out to Edinburg Gap and run something, and that's what I do. The small rocky mtn. trail is quiet only with it's beauty and running out here is no problem. Down below I head towards a lake and there are geese fishing and flying. Back up the mtn. again and I covered at least ten miles. Feels good to sweat, and pump the flow of blood. This may not be the dream...but it's living.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

That's Just the Way it Is

As I reached for my bag the pain jolted thru my arm. Nothing was working, although I could move my fingers, there just wasn't any strength. Never had been humbled with not being able to function with all my limbs, and it sure got my attention. I did all I could to get out of the security line and on my way to my gate, this time though things were intimidating. From that point it was trying to fix what was wrong, rubbing and moving my wrist and fingers as if I was in therapy. Should have just turned around and gone home, but that ultra mindset makes you continue thru some really crappy spots, and I've seen my share. By the end of the day my drop bags were sent out and I had checked in, and went to sleep. At 1am I awoke and began the check list of what to do, and by 3am I knew that muling the left hand wouldn't get the job of changing gear done in a 100M race, I walked down to check in and let them know.So now what.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I don't know when I realized the dream was over. Well, there was no particular hour, no given day. You know, it didn't go down it flames, there was no final scene, no frozen frame. I just watched it slowly fade away. Guess I'll wait for my time to come around again, Hope is floating on the breeze, carrying my soul high up above the ground and just keep to myself. Never knew these Dog Days would get so long.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Dog that Got a Buckle

Elvis the dog crossed the finish at the Salt Flats 100M with his running momma Deanna Croasmun in 35 hrs and change. They both paid the registration, both had bibs,and both got buckles. They are on the finish list. Elvis continued running extra miles, maybe a victory lap around the finish line festivities not seemingly the worst for wear after his monumental debut. Boodini has invited them both to Run Like the Wind, maybe they will come.Hoping to hear back from them and get a few tips as to what Elvis' training program looks like.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Caution..Rocks up Ahead!

Soon if the plane lands and the tight time line to get to the start happens, that will be just it, it's show time at Massanutten 100M. I'd like to say this or that about it all being well, but honesty, I'm fretting. It has been a while since I've run there, and it sure has my attention in the Shenandoah, so when it all settles there will not be much more than to be happy, don't worry, live the dream. Make the cutoffs, keep moving, keep hoping and getter done.

Monday, April 30, 2012

After the Gold Rush

She pulled all her belongings and just a sign to display her plight for all to see, a survivor nothing more and much less good from the wear of it all. That's when we were thinking much was going down, sure could see the sinking, and little mattered anymore. But the wheels touched ground, and then things began to turn around. Wanting something better, looking for what would be new, so thru the town she rolled. Broken Hearts do mend, and this is our beginning, wishing for something beautiful and something true. Chasing dreams always lead to catching up to angels and getting things right. So it is, with a persistent enduring effort and all the determination to see it through, the devil always get left behind. Don't look now but your flying and I believe that's OZ up ahead.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lovey Dovey

The clock says 4:15 and the start is 6, still show 2mins. late. Running the Belt with Mr. Mama himself is the Dream, and moving thru the Grotto and on to Shan's leaves a phone ringing and Dovey  on the ledge at 360 with clothes unpressed but is this a dream. Looking to the sky to save us, and all this time we 're making our way home to the Hill of Life, when we learn to fly. 12 mile we call, the back is OK and who would have thought, these three muskateers would be looking time and time again, learnin to give and give again.Livin the Dream, love and dove again!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Running the Course

You can be sure that now the dog will blaze thru the agility practice with speed and detail most of the time showing the other canines what time it is. In the beginning and for awhile just getting to stay on track was an accomplishment. Then there was blatant distractions and total lack of attention to what we were doing, running an agility course. Tunnels, A frames, chutes, jumps, weaves, serpentines, and threadalls the components of running the course. Lee taught this discrimination and away stuff that basically brought a real edge to the game. Now I point at the obstacles and away she goes and maybe we would consider going to some Trials. For now it's fun and  probably a great form of mental exercise. But Boodini will do well as long as there is work or a job to be done.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stretcher Police

So what I decided to do was test out the Hokas at the Hilll of Life and into the 3rd descent about two thirds of the way down I noticed two gals and a guy carrying something in a towel as in a stretcher. We have all seen the folks coming up from their outings and dip in the cool water we are blessed to now have in the Belt. Sometimes you can tell they've had a bit of the swirl and you might say Swillary( a pun for our Sec. of State). So I figured was someone being carried up? So Wrong. Getting to the bottom and heading up I needed to know ... and as I grabbed the corner side of the towel I heard thank you's and relieve sighs from the weight of this 80+ lb dog. It was immobile and had been bitten by a snake, and spots of blood were on the towel. We towed this guy up to the top and got Moxxie into the car and hopefully she made it to the ER in time to make it OK...makes me think. So I contemplated and did two more roundtrips up and down, and thought on the drive home I prepared for that....what about Boodini?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do you think it was a 50K?

Last weekend I completed another 50miler, since the halloween weekend end of Oct. til now, 5months, this would make 3 50M, 1 100K, and two marathons. At Hells's I decided to try two new things. The first being the Hoka Mafates, and the Nathan water vest 020. Out of the box I laced a size 11( normally I wear 11.5, and the sizing reviews recommended this1/2 down size) and was planning to run one of the three 16.65mile loops to see how they ride, ready to change out to another shoe after. Likewise the Nathan pack would take care of water and with pockets I could haul my powder mixes, gu, salt all things neatly in their place. This all worked really well and had a very non irritating loop cause it just fit. I took off on the second loop and didn't change a thing, and actually ran the 50 with both newbies to satisfaction. After, I had a blood blister at the tip of my right foot which makes me wonder if the 11.5 hoka would have been the way to go, nothing like having many sizes of the same shoe around, but it functions well over any terrain. I will have to wear them in to build up my ankles, cause I have rolled them once or twice, and the reviews  mentioned that stuff  happening. Great pair of shoes that actually ride over rocks, flats, and do have a great grip. I would say I think I had less leg soreness afterward as well. The Hoka Bondi B is the road shoe version that I ran the road marathon in and this shoe fits true to my 11.5 size and is real nice for me. I also feel like it is still important to use different shoes, Montrails, Brooks, Asics, what you like, so your foot just doesn't know Hokas, as these shoes are the opposite end of shoe philosophy, that being, cushion vs minimalist.The Nathan pack all I did was pull the bladder they give you and put in a camelback bladder, same size and good to go. Got warm the last loop and lost money in the bank from feeling the funk, so overall though it was good to have a tough finish, cause it is a good lesson in pushing thru and digging to get it done. In a few weeks, throw it all on the line at Massanutten 100M, love that Virginia, and that race rocks! We are blessed to be still able to run.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Old and the New

It might just be as simple as a combination of an old pair of shoes and some new socks that bring about a change of attitude. It might be something that brings back old memories combined with a new time and your having another great time all the while you are accomplishing what you wanted to get done. It is always best to take the goal and break it up into smaller pieces, so you can get somewhere. After awhile all your smaller efforts add up to the full monty in the end. Less daunting, easier to manage, and at least there is forward progress. Wait and See....

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Luck of the Irish

So when the day starts out and everyone begins to look elf like,you know it's St.Paddy's day.When you go shopping and people's ears have a slight vulcan look, it must be St.Paddy's day. When you look for a few coins in your pocket but there isn't any,and out of the corner of your eye you see this midget running with little pointy shoes, yes, it must be St. Paddy's day. So Remember!....
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand
May the luck of the Irish always be with you!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

On the Way

What you conceive and believe you will achieve. What will you do with the new change in time. Seems like a good enough avenue to turn about, since many other intentions are yet unattained. Maybe it's just Boodini thinking but after work might be a good time to be out and about with a small amount of time where it isn't dark thirty. We shall see, I spent the whole rainy weekend on the couch and must have gained
twenty pounds eating all those cakes I stole out of everyone's tent. Why get pissed about it, I did it and I might just do it again.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Got me Under Pressure

It's about all I can handle and it's too much for my brain. Doing a 12hr. 50miler was a long time on the trail, that was the last cut off and the race usually ended. Running 9, 10, never 11, and even 8:30's for a 45miler was the norm. So last weekend I was just hoping for a finish in a 50 under 14hrs. It got done and the second 25m of the race was and hour faster than the first half. Even becoming another silent slammer in first of the USATF championship trail 50M in my old age group. Whoopytee doo... what really does it matter. But regardless, walking up to any race and starting it in spite of the rage, you transcend just being a rat in the cage. Naturally the photo's will be coming in of my grey, fat and ugly self which I will not buy. Is training really a concept?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Every Picture Tells a Story

Boodini and I have run a few races together, we have even walked away with awards at times. I have run close to 100 marathons when I add in the 50's, 100's etc. There are always the photos
they send you to look over after these events, and I never buy my photos, unless it's the tandem duo then it has been purchased. Over the last few months the photos received have really
had my attention, particularily because if I were someone else viewing these my reaction might be why is this old tired beat down character doing this to himself? My goodness in one photo I am caught with my hand over my heart area as if I am having some kind of heart attack! Yes, and the grey and the sagging facial expressions are truly amazing, that's what happens after many years I suppose, but the tire around my waist now that is something I am doing something about.In the last marathon I ran just last week there were only 49 runners in my age group out of the total finishers of 3989. Not many, maybe the other guys are really old and just don't run anymore?
Yes I may look beat down, old, and quite the shuffler but I am in this running biz til the cows come home. May I should dye and face lift....nah!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yes Fat Tuesday

Beads, King Cake, Gumbo, wash it down with Booze....and now you are living the Louisiana Dream. Grew up around and lived there once, but Mom's gone and all the Fat tuesday's before this as well. But
Boodini made it out of the Big Cane and that wasn't a sweet time for many, but now we can smile and be happy because we all have friends like you....yes we are very Fat this time around!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rolling in the Deep

This time courage to stand on the line was alive and well. Needing to do something, rather than nothing at all if this business of running was to produce results. Tried the hoka b's thinking that recovery might be quicker, no problem turning the miles over with them. Keeping the pace almost even, and below a 14 hour
cut off was the hope, it didn't matter what happened if that could be done for 26.2. That's half of what will be needed in a much more difficult terrain. But it was something, and it is behind now. Now what? You know the answer....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will Ya Be Mine...

Love is the only bow on life's dark cloud.It is the morning and evening star. It shines upon the cradle of the babe, and sheds it's radiance upon the quiet tomb. It is the mother of Art, inspirer of poet, patriot, and philosopher. It is the air and light of every heart, builder of every home, kindler of every hearth. It is the first to dream of immortality. It fills the world with melody, for Music is the voice of Love. Love is the magician, the enchanter, that changes worthless things to joy, and makes right royal kings and queens of common clay. It is the perfume of the wondrous flower-the heart-and without that sacred passion, that divine swoon, we are less than beasts, but with it, earth is heaven and we are gods!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Two Left Feet

Wow, what was that? The heavy rain, lightning,mud miles, rain gear that soaked up weight, and most of all what was I thinking? It is what you make it, and choosing miserable must have been the mantra. Damnation and just bagged it in, yeah what was I thinking. Better go find that Dog!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Supposing for a moment

So Lee is no longer with us, the Dog Father's time ended very abruptly. In his wake he changed the course
or was the catalyst for a series of events. Yes,I would definitely say an Event has taken place. What a ride. From time to time I think of him and wonder, my thoughts are always hoping he is well. He is missed,and I was only briefly in his company.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

So You Didn't Make It

It's got to happen, sometime it will, when it's your first attempt I wonder if it's the toughest. Been there done that, but there was other circumstances beyond control that effected the outcome. It made the cards turn over once again, because you can't just wish it away, you still want it with a serious passion. Passion for the cause will inevitably take you across the line. When your head is spinning, you must know your broken heart will mend, you will get back up, cause when you just get back up you will win. There is always hope and there is another round for you. What was you downfall is your key to pressing on till you do make it. What does that mean? When you passed thru that time and space, you saw,felt, experienced what it's like. You must return, facing the distance with a renewed faith and determination that makes even the devil run and flee.Nothing can look into your eyes and face up to the persistence and destiny that emulates from your inner core. This time you will succeed, failure is not in the crystal. Everyone likes a warm and fuzzy ending, but your so rough and jagged even Boodini runs for cover. So get up again, win, push on straight ahead, and go find that Dog!

Have your Death in Chocolate

There are many obstacles that one may throw on ones path to freedom. When it is all said and done it is a wonder why the mistakes are made in the first place. Some for a few, are serious to everything they hold dear and in turn effect the lives of many others. Such is the nature of not having courage. Who knows where you can cash in on that? But if you have fortitude you can climb the Wasatch, you can run for days, you have  a sense of never ending freedom and happiness that would channel all your efforts as you positively push thru to the other side. This side is the attitude of success, venture and getting the job well done. Why would you waste everything on a few moments by making a choice that will change it all? When you ask and look for the right answer you are already on your way to what you never dreamed possible.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Aniversary

So after 43 posts and the start up of something never planned on "All about Boodini " exists.
It is always  someone that initiates the gesture or words that makes a mark, or causes a progression to
make something happen. As the first post began ... it was all about Jeff, he instigated my first 100M run,he influenced this posting business, and it is no less an undertaking, one that is free to do as what will, and there is no goal or intention. It has had an effect on marking time, as this past blog year has passed. Pictures, words written down, making sense, making no sense at all. Boodini is no less the better or worse, and I still have all ten fingers. Maybe refraining from the hat thing would be advisable. We'll see.