Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Almost not making it in before a New Year, but good enough to be considered part of that year, like finishing a long race just seconds before the final cut off, that would be you. But whether early or late or just smack dab in the middle, you turned your stride on and take things into your talented hands to a most special level. Keeping that part of the tribe on Loma Linda together when the heads of state called it quits, you turn around with all that you've learned and start a family of your own, Sister, Mom, Grand Mom, all rolled into one. You certainly have done your share of building a loving household. You continue reinventing everything to suit your fancy, cooking, running, and teaching those too young to do it all for themselves, pleasing everyone. Time has moved on, but it hasn't passed you by, after all, you have grabbed for all the living you can get hold of. So have yourself a Very Happy Birthday! You are a Legend and an Inspiration!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Ain't No Hollaback

It was 36 degrees when I ran yesterday morning. After being out in the air with Boodini, and dropped her off, it didn't continue to rain so why not. Regardless, it is necessary to get some physical movement going, any way get used to it, because cold is really what we're going get. Looks like the sun is out so it's another chance to walk around the hood, besides my dog friend will love that. Simply a chance to sniff out all the places and events that have passed the path at some point in time. In a few days we'll have a new number in the year category. We can't help focus on what that might mean, and there will absolutely be changes large and small that we never saw coming. Fearful or not, being accepting and prepared might get us through when that's the only choice. Just like the weather, the day, the things going on around us, we're above the ground and breathing, if that doesn't seem special just this moment, well, that goof ball at the end of the leash sure feels so.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Easily Defeated

It's actually cold again, some crazy weather times, and cold is to be expected. In a few days we will get into the real stuff, maybe a bit of sleet or snow, but that would be a good winter weather story that always sells. We are just getting started, we have at least sixty days of the fun ahead. The future might be bright, but wearing those new Xmas shades will have to wait until the sun shines again. Let's take this topic down a notch, to where the superficial gets melted with the heat of discussion. So I'll have to use a prompt for motivation, try this one, what is my inspiring key word of the upcoming year?  After giving this some thought, I don't have a clue, with the thousands of available words, I can't  even pick one. All it has to be is something that will tell tale the theme for my life in the year ahead, something maybe motivational, maybe to strive to be, and still why the hell is it necessary to pick one anyway? Well not much from that prompt, let's try another. What things in life do you most value? What things do you most stress about, and if so how do you deal with stress. Well maybe getting to rise above the superficial is not working, the picked prompts aren't working, so I guess we're just going to go back to the blank stare at the empty page, or talk about the weather, well that's a fine how do you do, guess what? It's cold! Blank page 1, writing 0.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Say No to New Year's Resolutions

So it may be just a little bit early for thinking about another year, 2015 to be precise. But it just happened to cross my thoughts. Not so much as a looking forward, maybe not even a looking back at 2014. Most resolutions are a good thing and like goals they can set the stage for what you possibly might shoot for. Maybe that is the question that keeps popping into my head, what I am shooting for? There are no definitive answers, but like most, maybe it isn't so much what you hope for, but more like what you live for. In the past whether it be work or play it seems like things get set off into lists, things to accomplish, and then crossing this or that off. I have a lot of things on the crossed off side and that is all so over. What is more of interest, is the day to day tally of how did time gone by get spent, blogging is somewhat of a tally, but it is out for you to see. Word sentences and grammar are important so that you aren't communicating half in Boodini's  language and then in the real world language. A diary is not what I have in mind. I wonder what journaling is? Well it might be a good idea to use the remaining days of this year to decide, and yes, this does sound like another dose of new year procrastination.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

TO X or Not to X

It turns out, “Xmas” is not a non-religious version of “Christmas”. The “X” is actually indicating the Greek letter “Chi”, which is short for the Greek, meaning “Christ”. So “Xmas” and “Christmas” are equivalent in every way except their lettering.

In fact, although writing guides such as those issued by the New York Times; the BBC; The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style; and Oxford Press discourage the use of Xmas in formal writing, at one time, it was a very popular practice, particularly with religious scribes, who are thought to have started the whole “Xmas” thing in the first place. Indeed, the practice of using the symbol “X” in place of Christ’s name has been going on amongst religious scholars for at least 1000 years.
Eventually, this shorthand trick spread to non-religious writings where nearly everywhere “Christ” appeared in a word, the Greek Chi would replace that part of the word. For example, in the 17th and 18th centuries, there are numerous non-religious documents containing instances of “Xine”, which was a common spelling for someone whose name was Christine.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Boodini Award

    Alright, so we have dwindled to just a few days till the Big Day, Christmas, notice it wasn't spelled with an X. This year it is all too obvious who has been good and who has been naughty. Tessa has shown tremendous Holiday spirit in her baking and cooking abilities beyond the call of duty. But maybe with a large family as her's she relishes doing all the traditional  niceties that  go with keeping the "Home Fire Burning". So it is no wonder that congrats are in order to Tessa for receiving the Boodini Award!
   Next on the list is "That Guy", he's the one that makes all his friends feel that he is solely devoted to them alone. Call it charisma or what have you, he can always be counted on to check in, get things stirred up with future games, and always try his best to help out. This year whether it was pacing, volunteering all night long, or just a text or a call, he was what I can only refer to as devoted. So it is with no surprise Jeff is the recipient of the Boodini Award!
   In this broken world of ours where sometimes we forget or lose sight of what is genuine or real important, if you keep Christmas this year we don't have to be a Boodini Award winner to touch someone's life. God bless us, Everyone!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Guess You Just Didn't Know

Oh yes there are many breads and cakes without yeast, starters of potato and meal are generally the base for bacteria that feed the rising properties of baking flavorful breads. Sweet breads generally use the enriched fats in egg and butter that give a leavening  aspect to popular quick breads. After all in early Appalachia or the pioneer days you just didn't run up to the Hoggly Doggly and buy red star yeast, and the real flavors come from the starters held in crockery forever, yes, even like the yeasts that ferment cognac and beer. On another note the twelve days of Xmas are not leading up too, and are actually after Xmas leading to the Epihany, and for you pagans out there that's supposedly when the the wise guys showed up with their trinkets. So the record has been set straight by good ole Tessa, that's right the under age embezzling bride. Ha! The bad stuff continues with smokers on the trail, looking for the smokers lounge at the nearest aid station, and injuries wreaking havoc on the best well laid plans. But regardless, it is, let's get this right, twelve days LEADING UP to Xmas, and it is delicious Panetone baking in the oven without yeast! So sorry you are injured! So sorry we are oblivious too and misinformed!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Seven Times Seven

Yes we're done singing church songs, and done is the word for the 2014 Run Like the Wind. I was shocked to find out it was the highest fund raiser to date with this event for the Schrodi fund. We had a smaller crowd of runners, but having this twice in one calendar year may have pushed the excitment
for this event to the limit. Our sponsorship was up. So where were you? Jeff sacrificed his three day weekend to give his hands and heart to take a huge load off me, and I was not use to having anyone else helping except me. He also tricked Justin and Mark to come out as well. January who volunteered all day was really a gift, her positive and kindly approach sure was inspiring for a group of serious whiskey peddlers. Being an RD of the event it would be necessary to evaluate my performance, and unfortunately I failed miserably. Aside from the smaller decision blunders, fires begin with an ember, and if your job requires putting them out it would make sense when you see those embers it is easier to extinguish them early. The leash rule for dogs at our Dog event is for a reason. After all there are many pet owners who in spite of best intentions are not responsible, if they were, we wouldn't need the Schrodi fund. I failed to react in time until it was a big fire, then when enforcing the rule so late, I become the bad guy. When you have a race you mark the course so no one gets lost, those markers are always taken down when the last runner passes the end run. Well when a volunteer takes a type of marker down two hours before the race is over and you let them know not to do it, I haven't really handled the fire at all for two reasons. When the second time you encounter the same volunteer and they have all the markers in their hand twenty minutes later, it does appear they have their finger extended right in your face saying screw you! When I was 10 my best friend shot me between the eyes with a BB gun, so having best friends for volunteers these things are probably going to happen. After 36 hours of being awake and physically working, mentally it will take a toll. It is best to laugh, and I hope you will too. Because twenty five years from now we'll never know the difference.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Church Song

   Probably after running a hundred miles in the Wasatch Mtns might make me a little silly, slightly light headed. Sitting in the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake after running that race might make me a little emotional, it is after all my number one fav church. Combine that with a final leg of four 100's finishing the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning and listening to the children's choir in that Church sing the song below threw me over the edge. Yes and why not, I think this is my all time favorite church song. So if you get a chance look up Patty Griffin's version on Downtown Church , I happened upon it the other day, what can I say? Be Thankful cause Tis the Season!

All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
Make music for thy Lord to hear,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest man both warmth and light
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Monday, November 24, 2014

You Want What?

So last Wednesday we celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. That's really something for her to live with a jerk like Boodini's dad. Well at least I figured that until I read about my sister who has just discovered she's been married 35 years. Crazy thing about it she's way younger than I, someone like myself shouldn't even be still living, but 35 years that's nuts! When I go to thinking about it this happened 35 years ago when I wasn't even living with my folks, and she was. This is back when my kid sisters and brother were embezzling the food money from dad, and he was so out of it that it never dawned on him he was eating garlic/olive oil spaghetti every night. Well it made it easy for my sister to run off at 15 years old and marry my now brother in law. That's how 35 years adds up. So what right, well, now I hear yesterday morning Mr. Magician wakes up way early than his norm saying "Yo Quiero Taco Bell". So after 35 years they run off and eat whatever they serve over there at that place. I just can't get that image out of my head, you know, that frigging mustached Chihuahua dog with a sombrero on it's head saying those very words. Yes sir, that's how old I am, most don't even remember than commercial. This is all nuts, and yes I am clueless!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Be Cool

Since momentarily we are staying put, Boodini is taking the thunder and rain somewhat calmly. It would seem that just by my presence she is able to lie still, in the past it would just be a constant pacing and panting in one direction and then back again. Alone, there would not be much of a door left to scratch a hole through. It started late, the heavy stuff that is, but it has been raining since yesterday, and that is good news. I am not sure it's necessary to stick to the regular schedule and leave, and maybe change things up to accommodate the calmness for Boodini is not a bad idea. Maybe?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Rants From The Editor

Just the other day an editor of a magazine said they were tired of the vanilla ice cream lack of respect for writers. This "writer" stated if they sold something on Craig's list they wouldn't call themselves a salesman, or if they taped up a cut appendage that wouldn't make them a doctor either. They were quite grumpy I thought about how can someone who slaps something on paper or the web call themselves a writer. They might want to watch their back because those same slappers of paper and web may get that title from them as editor.  Which brings me to the fact that  Boodini lays down a bunch of ridiculous words, making  little or no sense on a blog might really annoy this editor, might even make them mad that lots of us just put up stuff and are seriously showing little respect. Maybe shutting this crap down and stop littering the Internet would show that us non writers care about respect. Well, surprisingly enough I was actually reading, and was directed to a web page that you could cut and paste your written junk and then they would analyze who you wrote like, comparing you to Real Writers. Wow Suddenly I became somebody, a writer of sorts you might say. Each time I cut and pasted even the best or in my case worst Fresh Garbage I was a famous mirror of writing genius! Maybe Boodini should get a little mad and grumpy now, Nah, Boodini already does enough of that!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Weather Psychiatry

I was reading words on a page and the writer describes the trees swaying from the howling northerly winds, and dark clouds racing across the sky. Speaking to the weather they would simply say take a deep breath, be calm, all would pass soon, as they compared themselves to a psychiatrist, in this case a weather psychiatrist. What a concept, this doctor of mental healing, must come with a diagnosis of symptoms from problems exterior or interior to devise steps toward healing. Maybe fracking and drilling now become like domestic abuse, that creates the breaks and fissures in the faults that generate earthquakes and tsunamis. Transportation that build factories and refineries giving off the huge avenue of contamination to water and air are compared to the many addictions that devastate the lives of many. The colossal hurricanes and flooding are compared to the symptoms of the anger and killing of the innocence in schools and public places. Global warming is somehow related to the inability to return to normalcy of living after the traumas of war, loss from disease, of home and family. It would be a tall order as a weather psychiatrist to solve the World's problems when there are so many trigger points created by the humans that live on its immensity.  Then there is the Power that will never listen to the remedy when greed is more important than future.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


  Alright so it looks to me that a gifted chef decides to cook up some squash, and for some reason decides to double the cooking time. The Texas burn center is close by and luckily not needed. The squash caramelizes all the sugars below the usual solid skin, and when ole cheffy pokes into it, yes thats right, it explodes. Try putting a dozen eggs in the microwave and cranking it up. Maybe ole cheffy should wear protective eye goggles, and a bomb suit.
  So it looks like this old dude  I know has really been cranking off the miles, and that's great. It is great to know that they amuse themselves thinking of doing what they did ten years ago. Hopefully they will.
  Then there's Boodini and me, ten years later, 365, rain, sleet, or shine walking the hood, growing old and ready to die.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

No Matter Who's On Top

Six years ago Americans were wanting a change from being buried in debt while chasing after non existent WMD's, a failed  do what you want Wall Street with no regulation, lack of disaster relief with Katrina, and the Republicans and Bush were having nothing to do with clean up. Enough folks elected a Democratic black president who's slogan resonated change. We've made a complete turn around and have handed it all back to the Republicans because once again Americans feel they now have the answers. It is democracy, freedom to choose. The Republic of Texas was not fooled by an Obama look alike so painted with theatre makeup she resembled a blonde white lady. Meanwhile racism and bigotry still live in the shadows, and women are still no better than second class citizens with no right to choose. Folks still starve and are hungry, deadly disease runs untamed, and Isis, the new Reich. gathers recruits around the globe. The world is definitely broken, and if we think this change in government will better things, there's good luck in Las Vegas. The problems are just beginning with liberals, conservatives, and tea party extraordinaries, who haven't been doing much leaning across the aisle on either side, and from the likes of Cruz, Rubio, and Paul walls are going up to keep it all out, or shut it down. Beyond politicians, Power is still Power, no matter who's on top. Most will give it all up when it requires any sacrifice, and integrity and trust for one another is so last week.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Till Next Year

Halloween is disturbing because of the way that grownups have become so engrossed in “celebrating” this made up holiday. Halloween is a multibillion-dollar commercial enterprise, for which refined sugars are offered as “food” and vacant shopping mall spaces are briefly occupied with “Spirit” stores purveying immodest slut outfits for overweight middle-aged women.It’s seen as “normal” to pay up to $10 for a single pumpkin, which isn’t just normal but necessary (unless you really do want to hasten the end of the world). Does anyone care that pumpkins cost so much, despite the fact that children everywhere do not receive adequate diets of fresh fruits and vegetables?No one actually eats the pumpkins, except the squirrels! If we simply bought Halloween sweet potatoes we could at least feed some people! Isn’t there a bit of avarice in such a display? Squirrels or not, Halloween pumpkins end up a disgusting mess on the front porch for someone to clean up, and disgusting messes are always my favorite ways to spend $50.Bars and dance clubs – ever adept at removing inhibitions through “theming” and “branding” – devise “spooky” drinking games and concoct libations served in plastic cauldrons and sputtering dry ice fog. Pop songs are remixed with spooky sound effects. People too old for Halloween find another excuse to overindulge and behave like horny zombies, “twerking” and “grinding” all over the place.Halloween is the celebration of excess. It wouldn’t exist but for a culture and economy that is so self-referential that it excuses the admittance of the wholesome and healthy in exchange for the base and sensual. Holidays are supposed to be feasts! At a holiday table, you should find good things that elevate body and mind: rich foods, fine drink, hearty laughs, and warm hearths.Perhaps there are spiritual pitfalls in celebrating Halloween, but secular culture so heartily rejects the reality of evil that the likelihood of anyone encountering anything other than gross overconsumption is actually very low.What I’m saying is that the evil to be found in Halloween is the same as sin itself: it is stupid. It is a celebration of the inane and pointless. There is no virtue. There is nothing edifying. There is no great mystery, no reason for hope or joy as with actual holidays. There is no silver lining within dark clouds. There isn’t even dark. There is only dim: dimness in mind, heart, and soul.While at Halloween even the devil isn’t taken seriously, you can seriously be assured he likes it that way. The devil likes plausible deniability. He is, after all, the Father of Lies. What’s the point of possession if candy, sex, and stupidity does the job far more easily and cheaply?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Good Ole Boo

If she was a drink, she'd be a single-barreled bourbon on ice. She'd move with a kick, a chill, and a burn all at the same time. Her Sunday morning run meets a high speed chase, she's not just a song but the whole mixed tape. Very complicated that's the way God made her, sunshine mix with a little Hurricane. She destroys me in that chef hat, and I love her so much it hurts. I never meant to fall like this, she doesn't rain she just pours, that dog right there, she's the perfect storm. I know how to make her run,  or play, or mad at me. But that's OK there ain't no one more beautiful angry. She's the dog of a lifetime, a guy like me spends his whole life looking for. That dog right there destroys me in that chef hat!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

In My Life

I don't have many friends mainly because I am socially inept. I don't actually know how to get along with others, and in the end, it turns ugly. So I have a lot of time on my hands. Outside the smells that surround me while I layout are intriguing, and looking about there are the birds and squirrels, and every so often those cats. They really get me thinking. Flowers, bugs, smells of the earth, are as close to my ancestors, wild and free, as I will be. Everyday would seem lonely to someone else, because that is what occupies my time, mostly being alone. To most, that may be tough, but it isn't so for me. When young going through traumatic events, separation, hurricanes, rescue cages instead of my pup spot at home things get desperate. I am only concerned with life and death survival. Being suspect of human touch, whether kind or cruel make no difference, there is no distinction. Fear can overtake that, I must look out for food, shelter, in a sense, I have lost my pack, although there is a bond forming here. Right now it's easier to be left alone and not have to stress. Days inside as I perch upon my bed, it is a gaze out to the street and I see everything that passes, and if I chose I can give attention with a few barks. Early and late of each day I walk the hood, time when checking out where others have been and gone. My squares come twice a day, and snacks in between. I am living Boodini's dream.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


The last few mornings I have agonized with the thunder, lightning and rain, you might think that after ten years of living one should be able to get over scars left from coming out of a monster hurricane. Today I ran my 5K trek in the hood, it helps the stress, and my ears can just lay back and I enjoy the ride. All of the races that I have been to over the years aren't being held anymore, most people races don't really want us around, we are banished. The thought is always that the race promoters know there are good dogs and bad dogs, they just don't know which is which. I am a bad dog, but when tasked with running I know no evil. It may be just a goal biscuit but my running partner told me that maybe in the spring the Donkey Dash may be reheld. A running store went out of business, it was their race, and I won my age group a few times. So I am starting with the goal to run it, if it is indeed held. Not so much to win, but just a goal, after all doesn't every dog need a goal to motivate oneself forward. It would be a good idea to trim down a few pounds, so eating less won't hurt. Right now I am chilling, catching up on some fluids, taking in a few calories, and pondering which one of these squirrels in my yard I'm going chase down.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Wheel Chair Picks

With over 120 bands taking the stage for three days, getting to see all would be impossible, but with a wrist band you would at least be up close and personal with the ones you really wanted to see. Imelda May and Lake Street Dive, voices rising from Paolo Nutini, Sam Smith, and Marc Scibilia, you get the full sounds of Trombone Shorty, Arum Rae and the Kongos. Probably one of the best new talents would include Wilk, drummer from Rage against the Machine with lady vocalist Delila Paz in The Last Internationale, very good, my most likely favorite. The stages will roll with Hip Hop from the likes of OutKast, Eninem, and the Q Brothers, the latino sounds of Ozomatli, Ana Tijoux and Disco with electronic from Broken Bells, The Glitch Mob, and Calvin Harris. Raggae rolls with Jimmy Cliff and the Rebelution, and what would a Texas stage be without country Asleep at the Wheel, bluegrass Wood and Wire, and Blackberry Smoke. Gospel is alive and well, the Jones Family, Shields of Faith, and the great voice of Ashley Cleveland. Be very glad that there will be a repeat stage performance next weekend, because it will take at least those few days to just get a handle on the multi show talent to absorb. You don't have to say you don't know who's who at this years ACL, and there sure is a whole lot of shaking going on and available.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Working Class Hero

We will be working tomorrow, but it is a great day just the same, it's cool, it's Friday! The phone, texts, emails are quiet, which means just that. The world was in an uproar, and we saw no end in sight, but we will not let it bother us anymore. We've listen what is close and deep, it has run its course, at least as far as we will permit. Looking over the ACL venue there are very few performers recognizable, a lot of talented unknowns to us, because of being an old dog out of touch. So we made a list, and going down we can track through iTunes, Internet, Utube exactly what they sound like. It costs nothing, but it will bring one up to speed. So far it is impressive to hear what these folks have to offer. When we weren't confined to a wheel chair we could get out to the shows, the punk shows were the best. Now we can wheel right up to to the computer screen and just get the load on. Eyes start spinning around , knee goes to jerking, yes indeed! Time to let the freak flag fly.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Just Call Me Doctor

It never surprises me that when I am called to handle a work order at the property sometimes the tenant thinks they know what the problem is. They are usually wrong. We all can give our opinion on any a number of things, most of the time with a little common sense, we get through things that don't work and can fix them. If not we can call a plumber, electrician, HVAC tech, mechanic, that's their biz and they can get to the heart of it. Easy enough, things don't think or have emotions, and simply perform a function, that's it. But when people turn to us to help solve an issue they have in their life, we once again jump right in there and give what we feel is great advice. What's wrong with that, we want to help, right? If it is someone close to us, we are probably going to believe what they are saying is truly accurate. Do we even question that just maybe they have a slanted viewpoint, or are upset about their issue and actually have things mistaken, could that be part of the problem? We think we have shrink written on our foreheads and give advice. Because we are so attached in our relationships we might side easily with what they think, give thoughts they might want to hear. We assume that yes if they follow A advice they will get B successful outcome. Hell this isn't a clogged toilet we're working on, this is emotion, this is personalities, this is real life. But we go on and create an enablement that gives power to a decision that isn't well formed by ourselves and certainly not by the one hurting. With our biased assessment we now drive that person to not clearly handle things well by thinking out on their own and now many people in our little church of life are effected. It is time to be proud we're so good at giving sound advice.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Have You Noticed Your Alive

Many events occur everyday that effect everyone around us. Bad things, diseases, losses, the type of occurrences we have absolutely no control over. What is left in its wake can truly cripple some through loss of security, happiness, a sense of worth. Sometimes it leaves nothing but despair and depression, some even get lost in this reality and take their life because they are blinded by this devastating rejection from being needed. Things we have no control over is one point, but when we are self centered and forgetful of our effect on what we might do to others that's where we can do better. Sometimes the way we handle things, in what we say, actions that shout beyond words, yes all of this can deeply effect strangers, friends, even the ones we love. It can set up a domino effect that wrecks the walls of insulation that leave some grasping to survive. Be very awake, create, you are alive, show concern, respect , responsibility, and figure out if you really are wise with your love for those around you.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Old Dude Doesn't Look Like a Lady

In the morning scanning the void of the car radio, early Willie plays, noted, this was fitting to be on 410 entering the inner sanctum of San Antonio. I make the turn on McCullough Ave. and park, here I am at my living quarters for five years of high school, and first year college at St. Mary's U. St. Anthony's is now a catholic coed high school, when I came here as a 14 year old kid it was a seminary, yes sir, a priest factory of sorts. What we did as fellow brothers in study turned into the most hilarious stint of existence that brings me here today, our 45 reunion. As we stand on the steps of the chapel for a photo, at 63, and maybe this is a norm across the U.S. you won't find too many long runners, the body shapes show it. Sure the grey or lack of hair, wrinkles etc are there but, well let's leave it at that. So much talent in this graduating class of 36 dudes. Two IA class basketball championships, One State Final football championship play, several State speech and drama awards, musical talent, I ran a 4:58 mile for 2nd at the State meet the only year I ran, hell what does a bunch of kids do. Yes we did do that too. We weren't allowed to roam the city, except once a month, for the day only. So we did night stealth runs downtown by bus and foot at night from 6- 9:30 pm to Hemis Fair, and snuck back into the line to night prayer in the chapel, honor system, no snitching. We bunked in a large open dorm and flipped unsuspecting souls in their sleep from their beds. We were loud and made noise. We lived each other's shit. I left St. A's today feeling like a celebrity in my classmates eyes, and they were that to me.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Deal of a Lifetime

As time passes and our life begins to change, we weigh decisions that we believe are important to our best interests. Seems only normal. We want the best for ourselves, the best of everything. After all why would we settle for anything less. This world entices us to take the shot at things most attractive, after all do we really see anything else, does anything else matter? So we must move on with our agenda, and we must diplomatically extend our choices when it affects some we have included previously. Our moving up and on might leave others in our circle of previous choices behind. What worked before in our interests now are just outdated, like everything else material that we see and want. Old shoes, clothes, cars, new wants and putting out the old. Lowell George put it this way" The same people we mistreat on our way up, we will meet up on our way down". The essence of what started out really never changed, but it appears our present life is new and different and we think it has. After all, can we see anything else. Some would say that's living the dream. No time for second guessing, we must get on. Penza La Salute!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Lighthouse Blazes the Darkness

Boodini's life is in some kind of jeopardy, what seems like a dark tunnel with no light at the end, with the labor of a real job in a world that revolves around money and position, and what you think they think. Enough. It's no wonder everyday just seems like the same old vanilla ice cream. Lovers face one another, eye to eye. Friends however are side by side, their eyes look out at the trail ahead. This past Saturday was just such a day, and what a recharge realization. In the world of running, at least where the two of us visited, like so many races in the past, it is a level playground. Friends do see ahead, and they are side by side. So him and I ran, talking with friends new and old from around the area. Two guys, different distances, different paces, focused on getting to the finish line one step at a time. As we said to each other "See you at the finish", I saw his steps quicken and I realized he was serious about about sticking to his plan he had mentioned earlier in running his race. After all these years he still laid the hammer down, determined and persevering to get it done no matter what the pain or injury had to say. I was inspired, and tried to remember what that was like. What it was like to give your best, and to do even more. To me that day, as he moved out of sight, I was reminded that he was "That Guy". I was happy and proud for him, he is my friend, we are part of the same tribe. At that moment age and prestige were not blinding vision, there isn't much time left, but that day, we were able to listen way beyond the silence.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Do Whatever He Tells You

The fourth and final 60K is done and series buckled. None of them were pretty or well done. each one was a determination of will power against cowering under pressure and hiding under the table like a real coward. The final test started under heavy rain that blasted all through the night, the granite sloping trail was damn slippery and the party went on and never ended. It's the downturn of the hot summer months and for the last twelve weeks we ran, all night, in quality tough trail, and sucked it up  when quitting was grabbing at the ankles, and the cut off was minutes away from robbing the finish. The goal was accomplished and debt paid in full. If anything in an ultra world of high prices we got our money clicked off from attendance and finish. So now what, well, for one, we get to run another day. That we can say thankfully! Impossibilities are obliterated.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What Plan

Summer's day, she went away. Gone and left me, left me to stay. She's gone and I don't worry, cause she's sitting on top of the world. As I fumbled with the bird, trying not to hold to tight with the towel over it, the bird misses the box that I put it in to clean her kennel. With a small hop away I follow to retrieve. In the next instance we have a bird in flight, looking strong and up in the tall oak trees of the hood. All I can say is that's not what I planned, I was hoping to have it back to the G and F buildings. The more I thought about it maybe this would be a better match, besides the idea was just that it would be released and fly and live. For a moment there was the worry whether it would be alright, but that is water under a bridge. There are very few things we actually control, and even the ones we think we do, we really don't. There is a good chance that what you plan is not going to work, that's just the way the world is. Deciding what happens to nature's own is most certainly one of them. This time, with just the hope that things would turn for the better for a bird, in the final moments it did fly away. Nothing but doubts of a healthy outcome, and so little faith, it's good to know that the deed is done. Hope in the Long Run it all turns out right, Penza La Salute!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

No Matter Same Road

One of the least things I look forward to at work is the misplaced animals that show up from time to time. Some are dead somewhere in a wall or under a floor, road or sidewalk, some are alive and misplaced. They are raccoons, Cooper's hawk, lots of variety of birds, dogs, opossum, skunk and I must have animal control written on my forehead, cause I am always the go guy for it. I can spot trouble, and a few days ago there was another bird barely alive, and obviously not going to make it. I could find another walkway that wouldn't lead me pass the critter, but somehow it just sucks you in the void. So I have Boodini's kennel in the shop for her cooler weather visits and it becomes a triage for the helpless bird. Poisoned or bad wing, it wasn't able to find food or water and overnight a feral cat would have a tasty meal for sure. So in the kennel it goes, and has been for a few days. It is coming around, whether it's a success story or not is still yet to be decided. But it's alive. My hope is to get to a spot where I will release it with its buddies that hang out between the F and G buildings and join in the daily poop sessions that they enjoy having there. So you walk a different way but it always leads down the same road.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Just Goes to Show You

After fifteen years I take my happy ass to the dentist. Exactly what you think is what they said, or was it me telling the Lady stuck with the cleaning, Mann these X-rays look like I'm ready for the skull of Halloween. Ugly! Well after two separate visits in the last week, it's all on a clean slate, now just keep on brushing. The only reason this is even slightly important, besides Not going to any doctors, which at my age is Not a good thing, is I am just the procrastinator. Until it becomes an issue which it always does, then I suffer through what a little simple maintenance could easily handle. So it goes with running, after the last 60K a few weeks ago, I decided to take some time off, that's perfectly understandable at least in my eyes. I probably ran 22 miles since then, mainly cause Boodini has her 5K's to do every few days. She can't take any time off. So now next weekend I have the final 60K and looky here, what you got, a under trained, weak excuse going out to suffer through Inks lake type terrain, at night, another butt crusher. I have to finish this to buckle,  fourth in the series. At least now the summer is about done, which to me is not so much running in the 90+ temperatures cause I've been doing that. It's really knowing that it's not another day of 100's, and then no end of the 100's in sight. We are coasting now, and actually Boodini has been doing far too much of that.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Standing Still

This is when the tough get going, because things seem out of order. The weather gets hotter, but it can't last, because in a few weeks it will turn down a notch, but it seems oppressive enough now. Maybe a small furlough from running is a good idea, periodization, a chance to charge the system. With all the endless details that are frazzled, maybe out of sorts, the thoughts of diversion to something opposed to a quality choice are easily slipped into the format. But we're not that dizzy yet to lose focus and be misled. But temptations abound. It's just not going to happen though, because the energy is just not with either side of the direction ahead. It is a good time to get a grip, take a moment to reaffirm what really the goals are. Consciously look over where you have been with your deal, evaluate what you originally committed to doing, the plan is intact, and the fading energy to get it done is only temporary. It's a great time to count your progress as a good thing, after all, all things change, just don't lose your bearings and continue on if all be it slowly.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Our Father

In words one might depict a person who is not easily noticed, but in the persona of being you begin to feel the spirit of calmness. It comes from his disposition that pervades with patience and humbleness. He carries his daily life with a demeanor of pleasantness and attentiveness, and you are the only important focus of everything in his world. At the same time you wish to imitate and understand how does he possess this magnetism that draws the good forward. There is never anything in his world that he gets upset about, so in turn nothing gets him distraught, his motto is "Go with the flow, Penza la salute". Always there, always ready to listen closely, with full intent, your problems he sees are all that matter when you run to him. When you are in his company you are safe and cared for. You might strive to model his example, but in actuality he doesn't care much for striving as much as just to be. He just is, you are unconditionally good enough in his eyes, you are always accepted just as you are.
Penza La Salute Pappa Tony! RIP. 1912-1995.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Deception Abounds

It might have seemed like any other race, no particular cause for anticipation, just a mind set to get started. Colorado Bend is 4660 up/down, in the daylight its a tough rocky, worthy challenge, add running it in the night and it is rugged in the ole west. It is 102 degrees, and running till dark thirty we are around 8 miles, thats when the rocks get real tricky, and there the climb begins to above Gorman Falls. The last five miles bring you to a hill with a steep climb, then down for 3 to finish the first 18+ loop. That wasn't so bad, so get the hell out of the sponges on my feet, fill up my stuff and move out. Back up the same hill and the body has no power, the thoughts are rolling in" how did I run up this 6 hours ago? Making it to the Lemon's aid I grab some soda, and ask about cutoffs, I am good for now, but coming back to finish through here I had 18 minutes to be timed out. I move forward as best as possible for another 5, keeping out the thoughts of reversing course back to the finish again. Now I am only twenty minutes ahead and Joe and crew are breaking down the aid station, I am the last tail on the trail. He tells me to keep moving, he will not give me a ride back. The last thirteen miles repeating the first loop has me passing four people, and the light of a new day crossing the finish, 11:38. The will to relax, forget about being behind the eight ball, and go as far as they will allow me got the beast done. I have been in this spot many times in the past, and it is well earned under the best and worst of circumstances. Three Karl's down, one left, another 37+miles and the summer is officially over. It will not be any walk in the park, and it will hurt.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Alright Then! I'll Just Go to Hell!

The more I pondered the situation, the more it seemed like the only smart and right thing to do, dump it! I didn't make a list of good versus bad, there was enough bad,lousy weather, freezing cold, thunder storms, it snowed one year the day before, setting up by myself, the mud, the lack of support. What list, it just seemed like another one of my brilliant ideas that end up dragging my few friends out to suffer along side me. It just wasn't fair, and certainly not fitting. So I wrote and sent the email that went to the tune of " I retiring from the race, I' m sick and tired of the vanilla ice cream, badgering sponsors back and forth, hoping runners would sign up and they just trickled in, I just didn't have the energy or the time anymore". Pretty simple, send it, I'm done, it was a lousy stinking race, crappy going round in circles, lousy web page, poor bling. I was sick of "well we're trying to raise money to help misfit poor dogs". I didn't even want to bring up Boodini who has totally destroyed my ultra career, and I could have been a contender. Ha!  Then the reply email came back. " Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, all the hundreds of owners and dogs that have gotten a handle on their lives and can stay together. The Schrodi fund would never have grown so big if it wasn't for our work, but hey we had six good years". As I read this I felt like I was at Angeles Crest or Massanutten, where all the bad had given me likely signs of the DNF card, but I said what the hell let's go as far as we can, and end up finishing. I got on the email and got two pledges from two sponsors, called Kyle and the timing was set. Then I sent the reply email, " so you break my heart, make me cry, and damn we will not end this here and now. The race is on for Dec.6th". Funny how things pass, mainly I guess when it's just me me me things do look bleak in a dark tunnel. But when you look about how just a couple of butt kickings, a little bit of effort, someone, somewhere ends up on the winning end. It's easy to forget, when you ponder just the bad. I guess that's when you just have to learn To Dance in the Rain! It may not be the smart or best thing to do.So alright then! I'll just go to hell!

Monday, August 4, 2014

When Is it Ever Enough

 Years ago it was easy to run a multitude of training runs and races with the same model of shoe. It was easy to just order a few extra pair and put them away until needed. Of course once and awhile this or that shoe was a trial and error, but they never made it to show time. Then Boodini came along, everything changed, and for some strange reason so did the shoes. Last year hokas went into overdrive, but they never ever really fit all that great, and the toes took a beating. This weekend I ran around clicking miles in the Altra Torin, nice less expensive, simple shoe. As Mark L called Altra's, "Earth Shoes". You don't remember them because it was back in the 70's, wide toe box, negative drop. So I did some reading and zero drop, and level foot, should equal toe to mid foot strike. Also be prepared for transition time until you get use to them. Some believers have now turned the tune holding them responsible for Plantar and other running issues. That I could see, especially if you were plagued with these before. I previously talked about how I liked the Olympus, I have used them for the first 18 miles of two of the Karl's runs, at which time I switched in to the Hoka Rapa Nui. The Big "O's" become like sponges full of sweat so off they go. Maybe when the weather is cooler it won't be so bad, but regardless I've got them. I will repeat this technique at this weekend Colorado Bend. Somehow I have pissed the run deities off, so now every shoe has it's Trojan horse. Like everything for everyone it is just never enough, one more shoe, one more run, one more beer, one more piece of clothing. Yes that is what I used to think the garage was for, a storage dump. Boy how I have been hearing differently on that subject. When will I decide that enough IS enough.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Crossing Over

Boodini bids farewell.Some 18 plus years ago at Spring Ho fair grounds in Lampasas this little kitten came up to us and moved about the crowds. The word was, she and a few of her brother and sisters were dumped there. We talked and said if when we came back around from the other end of the fair and saw this kitten we'd take it home. Well we did, I bet we looked more for her to make sure we found her, and we took the " Little Kitty" home. At that time we had Sadie who was a no problem at all dog, and they bonded. Whenever the other cats had a tussle, Sadie always had Misty, " little kitty's" back. She seemed to never be afraid of anything, and went about whatever she felt like. She never ran away from anything, and if nothing else, she ran towards whatever it was. She always had gone up to Boodini and just wanted to be friendly. Yet she was always the smallest of the bunch, but at the same time always in charge. Always mulling about, and checking out what everyone was up to, always affectionate. When you have little members of the family that rely on you for everything, you actually get a lot back. That's why it is tough when their short lives leave so very quickly. Yes, life is short, there is a lot to be happy and thankful about. So now Little Kitty may you be free of old age and sickness! Hope you and Sadie are playing again together! One day you will stop and listen, and you will see us coming your way on Rainbow's Bridge, we'll be together again, when we come back to the fairgrounds.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Xmas in July

Remember Mother of kindness and love. Always patient and calm, always firm but bending. Giving all the best possible under difficult circumstances. Pause a moment today to recall in the Xmas of July 25th 1927 you were born to this earth, conceived a family that has now almost run it's course. Looking back on all the treasured times of sharing, today thoughts of you flow into a smile. There is no way to know where you have gone, but if you have taught us anything you would say just look beyond and to the future, for there the roses you have planted are in full bloom. Your presence remains and you are missed while we are parted. Hope is to know what your faith has taught us. Soon we will walk and share at at our banquet feast once more. Happy Birthday Mama Mia RIP.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Bad

So I was feeling kinda of exciting cause I thought it was a friends birthday. I had calculated sending a Birthday card so it would arrive precisely on the day. Picking up the phone and getting an answer I go into "Happy Birthday, are you taking the day off?". The words coming back from the other side of the phone was " my birthday was Monday!", silence...wow I'm two days off. I feel sucky now, definite nose dive. The funny thing is I bet the card arrives today, like I planned. It's not the same when you mess up stuff. I could write down the date for next year, but I might not remember where I wrote it down. I could add ten days from mine, and that would be it, but once again, would I remember? What is obviously strange is for the last many years I had the date right till now. Magdalene's feast day is the  22nd, and the day before, his birthday, could be like Fat Tuesday where you have fun. Then on the feast day, it's back to the grind! Now I know I'll mess up again, how would I remember that, oh well, the road to paradise is paved with the best of intentions.

Monday, July 21, 2014

101 Dalmations

One Hundred and one miles churned off this past week, can't say that has really happened since 100M races were completed in any particular week. Muleshoe lost, and we finished that 60K, it was a lot cooler night, after all the low for the day was 67 and the high was 85, but now we will start the summer oven. Remember heat is my friend. Doing 64 then going to a race scheduled five days later is not most peoples idea of a taper. Yet the days of running miles as long, as close together, back to back, excessive extremes are looking very over. Is it age, desire, concern? Maybe a little of all three. More so it amounts to what you have actually been putting in the bank, withdrawing, sharpening the cycle till your tolerance can handle the load. Many things in ones life change that, and mostly they revolve around time and will. But the key factor is probably excitement of doing something that you just have passion for. The sparks fly and things combust, and your off feeling good about stuff. If you follow your dream, shoot high, because living it is entirely another story. But somewhere in-between is where you'll land.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Rick

We shared the cabin and meals at Tahoe City, before we both took off on the adventure of Western States. At Cross Timbers we stayed at the cabin at the marina and enjoyed more ultra running fun. At Vermont and Umstead we slapped high fives as we passed one another. We played photo opt on the loops of Palo Duro, and Grasslands. We picked up Joyce off the rocks where she busted her head and we got her into the closest aid station at Arkansas Traveler. Sure there was Rocky 50K and "The Coon", and every one of Lewis's runs. You were like at everything, everywhere, yes you were the Go Guy!  The last time we talked was at Capt. Karl's as we tailgated waiting for the start. Capt's Muleshoe is tomorrow, how about another night shindig? Many friends you still have waiting on this side, you've finished the race you started. You always were the biggest heart, because your waiting now for the rest of us to come in.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Blueprint for a 72 Hour

Boodini in dog years and I in mutant form are both at this time sixty three. Friday marked that union and after her 7am. 5K it was time by 9am. for my private run. As the miles clicked by the thought of running my age in miles came to mind, not that original, a few of my acquaintances have easily done this. But these days running 100K plus is a challenge, closest to that happened in January at Bandera, and that was difficult having had severe diarrhea before the first loop was even completed, and 19 and half hours later it was a finish. With my hook in the time slots of habitual life, juggling miles done weekly and the lack of Will power to get moving, running my age now in one day outside of races would be next to impossible, at least it seems so. I have never really had the aspiration anyway. Well then the idea came to me for the next three days I would be off, and dividing the miles if I did 21 miles each day it could happen, seventy two hours. So I headed to the Great Hills loop and bagged 13. Then home I went and returned in the afternoon to kill the deficit of 6, that gave me the first day of 21. Saturday began with no support from Boodini, so scratch that 5K, and by ten am. off I ran for 15. Then the phone rang and work had my butt going in for fixing a problem, and by the time I was home it was church time. So at seven Saturday nite I decided to sit it out, so now I was deficit 6 miles for the day. Mentally it is tough anyway but looking down the barrel of a twenty seven mile Sunday seemed really tough. So the mind started thinking well it doesn't matter anyway, so forget about your little challenge. Sunday am. though came around and Boodini was back in form and we killed 3.75 miles. Then it was time for me to head to the easy loop at town lake of ten, parking was a bitch but it got done. So now I'm somewhere behind the half marathon distance. Well it hit 100 degrees yesterday and that's when I knocked off 8.5 miles. Now it's down to 5. My time cut off started at 7 am. Friday so I had till seven Monday am. And at 4 am Monday I knocked off the five and completed 64 and change miles. Thanks to Garmin for counting the clicks and keeping the log, the ice chest full, and gu's and nutrition mix, a bed to sleep in etc. This attests to the saying " it takes me all night long to do what I used to do all night". Yes the glory days have passed, and now it's just pushing back the clock as best as the cut off permits. Now the next dog day comes quickly this Saturday at the "all nighter " at Muleshoe 60K.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Nothing Doing

5:45am and the walk in the hood seemed normal, and as Boodini is sniffing around there is something   flashing, flying above pole light height around the corner. Let's get closer for a more up and personal look. Yes it is a lighted flying UFO, more like a lighted flying remote controlled toy that zooms around in circles, up and then down and then towards and away from us. To try and get even closer, the curiosity is intriguing. As we move forward my arm is pulled to the socket as Bodini wants to flee the scene. She has spotted the flying lights and absolutely wants nothing to do with it. It is way too freaky this time of the morning for her. Off we go in a run for safety, at least in her mind. Guess we will be ahead of the regular schedule today.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What's that Smell

It's just a matter of time before it's get near and the barn will be smelling ripe. When that is said, it can go one of two ways. This time at the finish, if there is another race to be had, we will be pushing towards a personal best. After all, if you are going to do this thing you might as well give it your best. What it simmers down to is setting yourself up for success, how better to do that if you have your bag of proverbial tricks always before you. It might be like having those small cards laid out wherever you go, but that is kinda of funky, more mental jogging reminders is what it should be like. Always keeping in mind what you want, what your after, because when the other smell of the barn comes around you will recognize it for what it is and not so easily jump on that trail. Hopefully given time which we don't have much of we'll get where we want to go. That's right a personal best. Well it's a deep well to ponder, and right now the list of why it doesn't happen is all to evident. Aim for the smell of that barn on the PR side will be the plan. Don't forget to ask yourself how long will this last.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Cherry Philosphy

I was reading something Tessa mentioned to me today, I know she was talking to me directly. She was talking about many things we hold close to ourselves, sometimes the way we interpret what we see, feel, and understand send us in a direction that makes us forget. Well, that's nothing to hard to believe, we get going, we think we're in the the best direction possible, only to take things just a little to seriously, get affected with worry, or presume the point where we're at and just plain think it's a losing battle. Yes dialing back just a hair we find that this small journey is just lent to us for a while, sometimes shorter than we think. So remember to live and love and laugh at it all. You work, you save, you perplex away your time, but you'll never take it with you when you go! That's another fact. The sweet things in life to you were just loaned, so how can you lose what you never owned? Don't make it serious, life is too mysterious!  Every great Master had his way with this interpretation, Buddha, Babaji, Christ, but in simpler language from a young boy from New Jersey " Life is just a Bowl of Cherries".

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Go Find that Dog

It's about to start, the holiday that is. July is here and has been for a couple of days. It's hot but not that hot, it's summer and it's dream time. Thing is, there is so much that could happen, could get done, and in a passel of choices that lead to one door or another, before going for a soda maybe a list would be better. I could stuff down an endless amount of chili dogs, drink oneself into oblivion, or run twenty miles, or do all of it. Then there's always different items you want to do but never get started. Right now not being in the habit of anything, doesn't help get anything to come around. Boodini isn't even quite convinced there really is any need to do much of anything. But hell, she's a Dog! I don't even get my drift. Anyway there's some things that could happen, and it is a holiday, a big fat American one at that. So here's to you, and no matter what we decide, and what finally does happen, make sure you enjoy every silly minute of it!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Give us the Mountain Country

We don't relish the easy way out, even if it looks nice, and the saying you've got to work for everything you get, is just the same frame of mind "Living the Dream". We may be old but we've still got it in us to do great things. The easy thing is to doubt. This weekend running that 60K at Perdenales was tough, after not even thinking about quitting in the middle of things, every bad thing appeared to wrench it up a notch. The first 18miles was good, and just when your thinking you've got this, you get the trials. The stomach rolled out, then the caloric energy loss sets in, then after mentally telling myself to be agile I do a chest and face plant on some hard rock, didn't break anything, bruised the ribs, bounced my head hard, got up and got moving. Was glad to finish at 5am. Running Saturday 7pm. through the night gives the true test of dealing with the demons. Some may think its time to hang it up, but like any fall its time to get up and dust it off. I know how running through mountains got done, cause I was wondering. You do have to train the terrain, but you better be able to look the crap down, and somehow keep moving no matter how slow, because sleeping in the car may be easy but it is still for losers. You don't understand hurt till you live the mountain country. Yes that was a hurting proposition you've just been through but it didn't kill you so you're stronger. Now go get yourself a tough assignment.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Did You Miss Something

Sixty nine degrees on a summer morning, very cool. Boodini can enjoy the walk in the hood, there are no other dogs looming about to distract her complacency. It is hard to say what took place, it wasn't much different than most dog to Boodini confrontations to date. The other dog and it's owner calmly walked past without much incident, and Boodini did the normal lungeing motions, and as I demand a sit down as they pass, she lays on the ground with her legs in an awkward twist. For a brief few moments she doesn't move. Ok get up you clown, and there is hesitation, and no movement. As I reach down to grab her, she gets up. Puzzling, thoughts ran along the lines that the tugging on the collar and leash had left her  asphyxiated. The hot afternoon that Boodini doesn't do well with, and she pulls a Carradine erotica. Or maybe there was a pouting bout of not getting to go to blows with an innocent passing dog neighbor. It had me wonder, but there are other incidents in the past that have always made me wonder. After all she can climb trees, maybe a tsunami hurricane instinct.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Might as Well Go for a Soda

It is time for some loose time, come up with a plan and do it. It must be the bridge but it felt like the place to go where there are no expectations. Town Lake is the easiest place to run or walk, on a ten mile loop there is 200ft. up and 200ft. down, that's it, the rest is just flat out. There is no challenge, no rocks, no nothing. Put it on autopilot and maneuver the bikers, and the three deep'ers, and before you know it your somewhere. If you didn't push the distance and time, you are accumulating some wonderful junk miles. After a while you end up a junk runner, yep that's me, and I like the trees, the open sun areas, the people who remind you by their tattoos and body piercings that your outdated and are not keeping this place weird. Your probably going see a pal running in his magical blue shoes that have him believing there is no malady. Anyway, it is getting close to a national holiday, which means a three day weekend, but we want much more. Don't you?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

When Boodini Lives the Dream

I am amazed when I read or am told that someone is so very happy, that life is just wonderful. The question always arises what is Boodini doing so terribly wrong that it's not quite as nice as all that? A lot of Boodini's heartaches end up in a song, sometimes she gets it right sometimes it goes so wrong. Usually it is never right or simply wrong, like a one night stand, maybe it's enriching, maybe you get tanned, that's why you can identify as the day is long. So this is for us, the hard driving beauty, we can dance in our minds, we can do the tutti-frutti. So when Boo is in one of those blue moods, she wants to have it her way, I want to have it mine, it's time to get back to that rock and roll duty. Create a buzz,buzz,buzz! It's better than slander, it's better than lies, nobody is hurt, nobody cries. Nobody drowns, and nobody dies. Do you ever feel that way?  Going to and fro,  all we really want is trust and piece of mind, and all we seem to get is seven days of rain. Boodini wants it candy coated, just to eat those treats, I'm driving south all day and she is running north. I will pick up all the pieces, I'll write your name in the sky, doing whatever pleases, chasing all the clouds away,  I'm bringing you back your rainbow. Now calm down. So when the statement living the dream is heard, the best thing to do is change the meaning. It could mean your working, you don't have any money, and then you die! Then you can say, that's right, the meaning is clear, Boodini is living the dream. Just remember to do your Rock and Roll duty, create a buzz, buzz, buzz.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dog Race

Doesn't look likely the Donkey Dash will run ever again. Boodini had won that a few times, but since Hill Country took a dive, that may leave only the Blue Dog race, and they didn't run last year either. Nonetheless, out of the blocks this morning was the fastest 5K non race run for Boodini ever, it was  a humid 78 degrees, and I thought it was just a usual run for us.  Bam, out she goes and finishes in the 24 min slot, what the hell you been thinking about Boo? It's summer, a little early to peak, but we' ll take it!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Rick's Rainbow Bridge

With a hole in the water bottle, and the garmin couldn't find the satellite, so much for the now age of running. The first two miles there was a nice calm rain shower, that smelled nice. Then came Rick's Bridge ( ok so it's called The Boardwalk, just like Towne lake is called Lady Bird Lake, when I was the chef at the Erwin Center I did a luncheon for Lady Bird and Hillary Clinton and 20 of their closest friends, that was enough of my  service for them! Thank you). Back in 1972 running with hippie eyes from the Commander Cody show at Armadillo World Headquarters, among many other shows there, cutting thru Towne lake foot path to get to my West Lynn apt was a straight shot to and from. Then in 1979 my first 10K was the first Capitol 10k which ran from the Capitol footsteps down to Towne lake and did a loop around and then back, there was only 3000 runners. The next year 1980 and 1981 on Towne Lake I did my first and second marathon, the then called Texas Relays Marathon, which featured a card table water stop (that was it, at the time there was probably two water faucets on the path, hydration, what was that?, clueless then, clueless now) at the turn around at Pleasant Valley then back to 1st street, then turn around and do it again. The Austin Marathon didn't start till 1992. Fast Forward to 1999 and I did my first ultra, also on Towne Lake, a 50K called the Easter Seals hosted by Rick Lewis. Then began the MAMA debut. So today's half marathon fun run on yes sir, Towne Lake, was a blast through the past. I will call the board walk Ricks Rainbow Bridge, cause that's what I want to do. It is a cool deal, and see homey, I may be old, but Boodini can appreciate  things.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy Birthday

Boodini turns nine, it's June. This is the time when heat is our friend. So in the morning since Boodini doesn't have many friends, she stays away from the heat. Nevertheless, the heat and her don't mix, so if there is a cool wet grassy place that is where you'll find her after the run is done. Somehow summer always has a touch of holiday in it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


As I get Boodini settled for another day on her own as I am off to work, I tell her to make the best of another tough day. It's not storming now, but after a while it probably will and then her trauma begins. When I do return and see the wood shavings on the floor from the door to her room, it's obvious that thunder and lightning had natures effect on this dog's life. The story goes like this, well Boodini it's not so bad, after a short while your eyes will get that milky cloud and your sight will begin to fade. That arthritis in you hips will start to make it tough for you to run anymore, and eventually getting up and down will also give way. Right now you have the energy to move about and   you feel strong. That too will change as your liver begins to have problems processing the protein you eat so most days the best you will do is rest your head on your paws. As you look up you'll wag your nub to acknowledge us around you and let us know that if you could go for the walk as you used to enjoy, you would if you could. Your face already is showing the grey of a dog that has had fun. You learned many things when you were in school, carting, agility, search and rescue. You can almost catch the squirrels in the yard. In a few days you will be nine, that's like 63 in human life. In a little more than a month I will be 63 as well. Seems like at this time we're going through the same things at our age we share. It's not too impossible to see the turn of events as lives begin to fade. But hopefully I will be the one to get you to Rainbow Bridge.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Living the Dream

Up at 2:30 am as the storm breaks loose with sizable force. It really gets Boodini every time the weather looks like Katrina I suppose. The last few days we once again get a reprieve with rain, and it looks like the neighborhood won't be burning to the ground anytime this month with the drought conditions. So it is also at the salt mine, with roof leaks and "tired of the vanilla ice cream attitude" from tenants, I get their grief! That's why after a long weekend it's great to get right back into the swing of things with all the thankful people. It's so easy to feel inconvenienced at anything and everything. If something was perfect it sure wouldn't be on this earth. I was reading about a mountain race that got cancelled halfway in because of mountain weather. Tough break for the runners. Sometimes, most of the times, it happens, and the best well made plans go up in smoke. Oh well, it could be a lot worse, way worse. So today in spite of the rage, this rat is enjoying the cheese delivered to the cage.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lying When the Truth Sounds Better

 No Boodini isn't in lock down for looking at animal control funny. In fact she puts in 15 miles running weekly, has lost a few pounds, and overall is a little more chill with life. For the moment. But she will turn on a dime and give no change back. She'll be nine years old June 1, send treats. The hood has got the neighbors in the area paranoid with car break ins, kick door burglaries and everyone is profiling with what they see, but don't give license numbers or pictures of who they do see. Prop 1 for the club got shot down, and there is going to be a picnic. It's a about to be a holiday weekend and things are a changing. On the national scene, gays are still the antichrist and Obama care will end Amerikka as we know it. The Somalians are crazy to mess with Navy Seals and still end up dead. So as you can see the picture is what you paint, and it ain't nobody's business but your own. So the real question is why aren't we in Costa Rica? Well, if we had a pot to pee in, and there wasn't a bunch of deadbeats sucking the life out of you, yeah sure as hell you would be in Costa Rica, Peru or some foreign place. But we're not. At the end of the day, we can say we know nothing about having it bad, because we're still sorry peasants as far as we can see. And one more thing, you can call customer service all you want, they don't give a Boodini's back side about posting on the blog, cause you'll still end up with me!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Slither

Boodini is getting her licks in on the run now and probably has lost those additional pounds. Today being her off day was a good occasion to run Bull Creek. I have added the lookout trail and on the way back to the most commonly used trail I came within a few feet of two rattlers about three foot slithering along in tandem. Our six beady eyes turned in a lock of luv but they kept on not having anything to do with my old slow washed up ultra ass. Hill country living, it's a great day to be alive cause the sun still shines when I close my eyes.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Do I Think I Hear the Fat Lady?

Forty five years ago I began working for the man to buy me stuff. For thirty years, I did everything possible and moved myself up in the culinary world with some very rewarding positions and received  recognition in the Statesman and wining Grand Prize awards in several cooking competitions. In my private living as a teen, till now, many running challenges and awards have come and gone. At the time, I might have felt like a contender, it could have gone to my head, it could have been a good feeling for a while that sense of worthiness. But in the passing of time it all vanishes. Then it can become a feeling of nostalgia, or wish to strive to do it again, that seems normal. But really it's best to just forget about it. Fourteen years ago I made another turn back to construction, remolding and property management for a businessman that I formely ran two of his private food services for UT students. Now as a property maintenance engineer for a very large property management company I was told that the person and myself at our property had won the Stream Cup, a number one within our company. Of 50 managed properties with some 300 employees in the area we took overall kudos for the care of the facility of 10 buildings on a 17 acre campus. We are rated on 80 categories and have a survey from the tenants we serve which tally points of total. Five years when I stepped into the professional side of this, I knew I was surrounded by some very knowledgeable and talented people, actually it was quite intimidating, and I figured it would be a matter of time before I would be replaced. Of course that can happen anytime. From the Bank of America building downtown to Riata, Stonebridge, and many facilities the company touches in these properties with large staffs, here the two of us work with a large plate. So for just today I will relish this, and then move on. We should not feel that today, the next day, when we do this or do that will we be worthy. Nor should we ever think that because we won this or that are we somewhat special above someone else.
But for today alone I know that working made a difference in someones eyes, and then move on for good.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Two Finished

Boodini might have been the student left behind, but still enjoys reading. So on opening the pages of  Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses, it was a very slow and difficult novel to get through. Basically because it is full of satirical, metaphorical, and personification that left one really bewildered and challenged. Rushdie was given a fatwa in Islamic law by Ayatoliah Khomeini in Iran to be executed for what Muslims felt was a blasphemy in this novel. There were nine failed assassination attempts, one of his translators was killed, two others serious hurt, till he went under an alias Joseph Anton, which is his latest book, on his hidden life from Islamic assassins. So when a few weeks ago picking up the second novel Midnight's Children, I was already doubting that decision. It really was tougher than the first to get through. It is about India's independence, and he as a character is born with magical powers and gets into the political struggles and factions of that continent from Kasmir to Agra. The intense layout he presents is full of every walk of life and religious belief in India, and there is no way to describe the writings, he is just very good. Like the first book I thought about just laying it down, reading should be fun, so I disciplined 25 pages a day as an option. Even though I usually read beyond that, finally I finished. Looks like I am free to finish the other two books I started with Midnights Children only because it was hard for me to get done.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hello!!!! is Anyone There???

Dear Board Members:
   I hardly respond to our email list, ok that's right I don't ever. I realize you are probably in a closed door important meeting and cannot be disturbed, ok maybe you actually have a life and don't just sit around waiting to answer incoming emails like a few of our members who expound on their vast experiences which include anything and everything on the planet. But thank you for the free email address, even though lately it has us rebooting because of the notices telling us of our bouncing emails? There has been lots of discussion. After the Community run, that's the new name for races that cost $100 no matter what the distance, lots of members were ready to form a posse and become vigilantes to snuff out someone who had their music serenading wild life, and gravely ruining the sounds of breaking wind and hard breathing from running trails, whether in shape or not. It makes it hard to just concentrate on the pain with all that loud music, so as you can see members were upset, and some thought you should do something about it! Then of course the member who wants to come off as a conscientious volunteer, who actually on the down low is a high paid employee of  a company that puts on "Community Activities", had to give us a list of courtesy checks. This is actually the list of any RD, wanting to make their enterprise easier if the runners followed their thoughts. Things like blowing your nose and then reaching for food with those same hands for aid station cuisine. Obviously loud music was on the list of how we all should behave, and then the long talk about how the world is no longer  a nice place and everyone is just plain selfish. So what else is new. I'm not sure, but I think they want you to send more free volunteers to attend to all these infractions. Most of all we had several "elites", or at least wannabes, who proposed that we were no different than them. We are all capable of carving out a faster, stronger runner, but we will have to work, that's right, and work hard! That way within a few years we burn out, quit running Community events, hate running altogether, as they seem to have done. It's been a great week of emails so far and
comedy relief is always there if you only look. Because in a world as pitiful as this, everyone should
be able to invent some sort of discussion and be thoroughly amused. Lastly I don't give advice, because I found out the shoes I really like are for  someone with polio and over pronate!
P.S. When are you ever going to give us that Free Pizza like I think you promised?

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Opening Door

It started out cool and slowing got warm as the sun radiated off the granite domes at Reveille, the same twists and turns like Ink's Lake. This was a chance to get in a few miles, 26.2. Now that it is done the door to running swings open and if staying power is present the summer could be productive. Till now Hoka had been the go shoe, but I stepped into the Altra Olympus for the entirety and came home without my toes rubbed raw or blistered, and it looks like for me anyway this will be the ultra shoe now. They have great cushion, good traction on a course that creates a lot of diversity, and with time I will get used to the low heel. I mentioned this to the woman of the house by mistake and got the comment " well good, with the fifty other shoes you have, now you have one you run in". I should have seen this coming, after DNFing. Leadville one year and she had been to the pre race meeting the year I finished it and she remembered the Rd's Ken Choulber's pep talk, her reply for my DNF was " I guess you didn't Dig Deep enough". Ouch! This am Boodini pushed me through sore legs for her 4.5 short quicky. That leaves a good start to May's mileage. Let the Heat begin!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Another Week

Looks like running has been in the tank for sometime, mileage is at an all time low, and if Boodini wasn't on her weight fitness program since her Vet visit that 12 miles would be zero for me. There has always been hills and valleys in our horizon, but now even lifestyles are changing. At first it was just a phase, or because of real deal responsibilities, and when everything is added and compounded, well it's tank time. Work continues to be out of control, so there is no letting up there, it will take energy and will and suck it right out of you. It's not a question of age, because it spite of the rage, we feel pretty chummy. There is a marathon for me at the end of the week, and it will be another grin and bear it to the finish. Providing there are no thunderstorms, where Boodini will be gnashing her teeth, and I just don't crater and not show up, it will provide a chance to sweat and redeem something of what is left. But this isn't the only thing to living. Because amidst the in betweens of what used to be and what is there is always another week ahead, and greatly daring to just take what you have and realize that many don't even have that much.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Other Side

With the dread of the the annual veterinarian visit, and going through the repeated antics with this ordeal it's great to be done. The shots were administered, blood and fluid samples taken, and now the only hope is that everything is in range and we don't have to return. This year I am sure we payed for a new machine for the clinic and the excuse is always "well Boodini is older and there are more things in different parts of her body that can go wrong"? If it was up to her she would be happy to have nothing to do with any of it! That was Good Friday alright. Holy Saturday with her nub turned downward it was obvious she was sore and leave her best alone, cause the girl does get grumpy. Easter had that resurrected side to it cause her nub was up and the cats were in sight. Boodini probably figured chances were slim I would be taking her back to the Doc, so things were a bit more chipper. So now we concentrate on losing a few of those added pounds, diet and exercise is our mantra and that ought to take us all the way to Pentecost.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How Holy Week

If you are one that made a few changes to your routine over the last six weeks leading up to the end of this week, Easter Sunday, you can start heading to the barn for your sacrifice is in the bag. In a few days you can return to whatever it was you left alone for your intentions and good reason. For me, all my hopes of sinning less obviously was a big letdown, and no matter the good intentions things have just about played out the same. However, staying the course and running the race in hopes of some victors crown would also be a laugh at best. Still taking all things in stride it is best no matter to continue with the small things and even smaller steps. Being still above the ground there is always today to keep moving forward, doing your best and forgetting the rest. Maybe if there was a Easter egg hunt to go to it would seem a bit more exciting, but it is always what we make of it.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Test Ride

So yesterday I finally got the chance to run in two new shoes. For the first loop of Bull Creek I had the Hoka Rapa Nui which is a narrower fit compared to its cousin the Evo. Using Hoka shoes has been a huge learning curve because for me the sizing seems to be all over the page. Even with the Evo which fit fine I had issues with the toe box grinding away my toes. Nonetheless the Rapa has  a much firmer feel and doesn't project the usual cushy feel that the Bondi or the Evo have. Maybe after a few more uses they will break in and feel more flexible. They are light and have a 5mm drop, and I am not aware what all that means, but I will use that comment for the next pair I tried on the finishing loop. I switched over to the Altra Olympus and immediately my first thought was I am wearing a moccasin. The feel was a definite change, the toe box is wider, I could feel the cushion, the drop was the same 5mm, but they felt far more flexible, and felt broken in with the first push. I really enjoyed the run in these shoes. I have the Lone Peak but haven't run many miles in them, and not in a race because I wasn't confident I was familiar with the zero drop philosophy. Yes both shoes are going to used in races in the future, but I think in this test the Altra won hands down!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Great Boodini World Tour Cancelled

I purposely stayed later this morning from going into work, testing to check out my BiLocational techniques. But when the phone rang and it was the technician I was scheduled to work with and he asked where I was, and I replied, "I'm in the shop" and he said, "No you are not, cause I'm standing outside the shop and the light is off and no one is home???". That's when I knew I was at home and not at work at the same time. When I got to work, I called home, and she answered, " How's it going at work today?", and I told her,"I'm in the garage", and she said  "No your not! I'm in the garage loading some clothes to wash, and I don't see your happy ass cause your on the phone with me from work!!!". Things were not shaping up, and I had no control. You have to be able to switch it on and off to make this work if your in show biz. Well Boodini, hell she was ready. She has plenty of costumes and hats and can do her agility tricks and herding techniques, so when I told her it was a no go she was obviously very disappointed. Well it's back to the same old ten two and four around here in Mudville. We had our moment of bliss and it is just quickly erased before you even know it was there.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I have finally reached samadhi, nirvana, Boodini and I will probably be headed on a world tour now. The Great Boodini traveling show it shall be called. Earlier today I was contacted and told that I had finished the 50K this past weekend, which I almost yelled back, No I did not! But your name is on the finish results  he said. I told him I was at home as stated, in a previous post, that Boodini turned hostile and I stayed back to play referee, and did nothing. But I think I have the power of BiLocation. I stayed at home and at the same time in another place I ran the ultra. It is impossible to explain, but now it is true. Maybe even some of the other runners will say" Yes he was running alongside us", hence World Tour. It is not something I can recall, and have no memory of this happening, but nonetheless, the memory does play tricks on us all. I am pondering what next event I shall run while never leaving the confines of my home?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It is obvious that if there is a carrot in front of a horse's snout it will try and eat it. So it isn't too terribly amazing, that if there is a desired result at the end of the tunnel, and this is tried and true, you will set out to accomplish getting the hell out of darkness and into the light. If I use the formula prescribed of establishing X amount of miles a week to run, and note the progress, it becomes a job that needs to be done. Boodini works well when there is a task at hand, and will only see that task versus some evil behavior. We are very much alike in this aspect. However, there also must be some quality versus quantity involved. But in the meanwhile, it is good to know that the path to success can be achieved by being resolute to a plan. Without it nothing gets done. It would have been nice to be a freak flag waving hippie and doing what the hell one wants, because everything is cool, but you would end up blitzed on good ideas, and no concrete results done. Now go make a goal, get a hair cut and a shave, quit looking at life through the wrong end of the telescope, and get a ticket on the train back to reality.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another Day in Parasio

We have a target on our back when we cruise the hood, and if we don't watch out we are hit blindside by a runaway dog. This morning I wonder why we have to hold each other together with a leash yet other folks don't, and they are the ones that have to invade our space. I have so wanted to drop the leash, let the gloves fall, and let Boodini have their ass, but I don't. One morning a dog came running out of the yard and Boodini whipped around and nipped at it, and that dog ran it's happy ass right back into its yard where it came from. On the way into work, I was thinking how today was just another day, why?, I never think that, it should have caught my attention. At work, roofs were leaking, a lap top from the office was stolen, door locks had to be changed, another tenant was irate about the usual nothing, there was nothing ever " just another day today". Should have felt that when that dog left it's two frolicking owners this am off leash and charged Boodini. The frigging whimp dog cowered when it got close to Boodini whose growl and spitting sounding threatening enough. Just go with the flow because twenty five years from now well never know the difference.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Summit Everest

He has all kind of ideas, destroy the grand canyon , run all the trails of Big Bend while finding new ones. Then there is do a double marathon Austin marathon race day. Now it is pay boo koo dollars and buy your award to run five 50 milers in a series. Lots of great challenges, nothing like shooting for the stars and hitting the moon. That's what great thinkers accomplish, because if you never dream you will never get off the front porch, and it probably has to do with how big your dog is. Ha! Nevertheless, that's what makes this guy a good puncher, pusher, what have you. He is always stirring the Dutch ovens until they simmer and produce. Now what are you going to do?  Congratulations, get out from the wall and give something, nothing ventured nothing gained. So what's the plan going to be?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dance in the Rain

So Boodini had been acting a little jiggy, not actually, for sure! Maybe like most frustration, stress, or the plain lack of excitement in this world makes one just that, jiggy. Problem is like a well oiled machine, the lack of all its functions moving easily, causes her to lash out for no apparent reason. Hurting someone's feelings that is trying to be kind and nice, completely devastates any confidence or trust from that person. In turn it is her one friend left holding the bag of ill content. Well after eight years this is nothing new. So I hang back and take the lead, and keep Boodini out of harms way until the evil passes. Who needed to run 50 miles anyway, take advantage of the extra sleep, read more novel, and then really do absolutely nothing. Even if there is plenty to do, right now figuring out what is just a matter of putting at least one foot forward. Time for the remedy, the cure, and it looks like a run in the hood always gets Boodini's mind right. Why not on such a crappy weather morning. Dance in the Rain!

Friday, April 4, 2014

See you at 2:30!

Finally with the beginning of high school the past of Brownsville could be left behind. Lunch period there had turned into a boxing match most days with me in center ring. Going to seminary school had me bunking in an open dorm room with seventy other kids, and in ninth grade it was our class. Coming to San Antonio was like a big city as well, and now at all meals there were new friends, Sullivan and Merrion from Chicago, Cooney and Ricke from Denver, Sipos and Trendle from New Orleans, and Vaughn and Dempsey from Richardson. We sat every meal together and bashed and joked amongst ourselves. One day I looked over at Dempsey and told him we would see him at 2:30! He looked worried, and like a shark sensing blood it created a hallmark for many to come. Later that day I got with Cooney and Sullivan my two Irish friends, Cooney was 6'5" 230, and Sully was 6' 200, but he was strong as an ox. We contrived a plot. At 2:30 am in the dorm the three of us quietly crept over to Dempsey's bed, and in one swift movement we flipped his entire bed over to the floor. A loud thud! We hauled ass back to our beds and laid it down. Lots of commotion from the other guys sleeping now awaken, and then all the dorm lights came on. The Priest in charge, Father Degeorge standing mid center of the room asked what was going on, no one really knew, and the three of us tried hard to muffle our laughter. Vaughn barked out "Nothing!", Degeorge came back with the famous line"Who said No please?, which was always repeated amongst ourselves from then on for no reason or rhyme, jibberish, "Who said No please?  If we were caught, which we were not for this infraction we would have received disciplinary action, maybe kneeling all night on a broom stick, loss of recreational privileges, or once a month a General Permission to leave campus for the day, a Gp as it was called, that would have been the big slap. From then on we set a standard that other classmates would utilize, the horror words"See You at 2:30!,and some nights in the wee hours you would sometimes hear the thud, and then the lights, and everyone would always repeat, "Who said No please"? Whether you did or did not, just the mention of those words would have someone waiting in their bed all night to see if someone was coming.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Baskin in the Cream

One really happy job back in the day was director of food service for a affluent private UT dorm. It was always a challenge to stay on the cutting edge of quality food, junk food which all college students wanted, and present a wide variety of culinary delights. In particular the ice cream bar, had ten flavors, toppings, and unlimited seconds. One particular day a student came up to the ice cream bar and went into a rage, yelling for all to hear and directly at the server Julie " I am sick and tired of this vanilla ice cream!". Now we all know that day to day pressures really can accumulate until one might bust at the seams. Classes, paper deadlines, exams, the normalcy and routine come to a screeching halt. I still laugh at that remark of the student, it seems to be a mantra when I have really had it, yes, I am sick and tired of that vanilla ice cream and like"Network" I am not going to take it any more! But we do, maybe we don't have much of a choice, bills, keeping up our standard of luxury( what the hell am I talking about), commitments etc. It can lead one to think that being a deadbeat, like our cats at home who do nothing but eat and shit, might be a lot easier way to live. Sometimes the same old things we see everyday that are fixtures in our path can tend to grate on our nerves, we see it over and over again. Yes and finally we just have to admit" I am sick and tired of this Vanilla Ice Cream!!!".

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Can't sleep to good, have the hebejeebees, don't know what's shakin. Olga wants free pizza with the remaining funds. Our elected President wants to go public with the club HCTR, but no one seems to care. Some like the email, others prefer facebook, someone is worried about our scant $15 dues and what to do with all the money, that's why Olga wants free pizza, maybe people will show for the meeting and help decide if they really care or not. I never went to the meetings, well maybe once or twice. Maybe there will be interest. Back in the day there are a few of us who remember the beginning of the club, it actually was a cool thing. Maybe it still is for some, but things have changed, and things move on. But I shouldn't let this get to me, Boodini will sense this and turn even more erratic. She likes her life like a stop light when it's red it's red, when it's green it's green, none of this jumping around stuff, or it's a nip,nip nip! Life really has a way of messing with the routine. So I guess the saying goes"Relax, nothing is constant".